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BlueKing7642 t1_jc3upko wrote

Do you have any book recommendations. Specifically books that improved your writing?


unemployedprofessors OP t1_jc3w5li wrote

Absolutely! A lot depends on where you are as a writer and what you're looking to improve. In general, the best way to improve your writing is to read, so any book would help.

On Writing by Stephen King is a pretty accessible classic with some feel-good and encouraging advice. It's aimed at fiction writers, but there are important lessons there.

On Writing Well by William Zinsser can be really helpful if you're trying to improve at academic or college writing.

If you're a grad student as I once was, "Write Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day" by Joan Bolker has an annoying title, but it was helpful.

And of course, one of our very own professors has written a couple of books about how to crank out papers, so we'd be remiss if we didn't mention that.

Hope this helps!