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telionn t1_jeclgd6 wrote

Kind of? It wasn't until COVID that gun deaths actually went back up to the 1993 level. Adjusting for population I think it is still lower than before.


dogsledonice t1_jecmlex wrote


DrJawn t1_jecrz9r wrote

Does it count as a mass shooting if the shooter and victims are all black and poor?

Or are we only protecting white kids?


dogsledonice t1_jed58ek wrote


You have a point of some sort?


DrJawn t1_jeelgrw wrote

I want to know where the outrage is when kids are killing kids in poor neighborhoods in Detroit, Philly, St Louis, Chicago etc

No one cares because it doesnt fit on a bumper sticker and it's not suburban


dogsledonice t1_jeelpyy wrote

I agree. And common-sense gun reform would float all boats.