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MarkusLoe t1_irbsvcj wrote

Hello there! This sounds like an interesting documentary. I remember warnings about Syria's drought in 2009 that felt relatively unimportant at the time but turned out to have enormous consequence. While it is not seen as the lone reason, I believe it is widely accepted that climate was a big reason for the the outbreak of war in Syria in 2011 and it is also thought that the region is going to continue to become drier. I understand that you are focusing on the future, but I am surprised to see the locations you have picked.

Would you want to elaborate on the Himalayas being chosen over this region, and what you mean with "Few are aware of these security threats, except little known military networks that are drawing up battle plans"?


climatesecurity t1_irc36kb wrote

Thats a really good question, thank you. I agree re Syria and have written on this also. It is a good example of how climate change acts as a 'threat multiplier'. In regards to selecting Himalaya / South Asia region. We felt that this was a region where the story was not told. It is particularly relevant given that the weight of history - if I can put it that way - is shifting to this region. India, Pakistan, China, and so on. All major players where climate change will impact. We want to tease this story out more from a security perspective. But, certainly, to your point, the Middle East is critical also. Maybe if the funding arises we can cover this also.


MarkusLoe t1_irbweh5 wrote

To follow up on the little known military networks. I asked because I was under the impression that this was a very up in the open thing. For instance you can look at Americas DOD's climate risk analysis and Lloyd J. Austin calling climate change an existential threat last year. Where I am (Norway), the artic opening to becoming a place for sea routes and resource exploitation and all that would follow it has also been a thing in public discussion for a long time. I have also seen this as a topic for Canada, and their defense forces. I don't mean to stick it to you here, just genuinely curious.