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magialuna t1_isnata3 wrote

Obviously they don't have any cats or they would know who was the slave to who...

Our cats sit where they want, sleep where they want, play where they want... And if they decide that they want petted, they find a human and demand petting. They always get it. Our female cat's way of telling us she loves us is to nip our legs with her teeth. I think she is serious about the love part, but she also does seem amused.

Yeah there's some mild enslavement going on, but it isn't the cats.

I forgot to mention all three of our cats are rescues from kill shelters. So it's definitely a step up from their previous circumstances, and may have saved their lives if no one else adopted them.

(Edit to correct some mild errors from voice transcription)


heyemsy t1_isnftuu wrote

Love this comment! We have 2 sisters that, even though they’re 11 now, still act like kittens! They were also rescue cats.

We definitely know who is boss - and it isn’t the humans in the household lol!