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psychsafetyalliance OP t1_its7nfl wrote

Your instinct is right here in yes - it DOES depend on a whole array of different factors!

MDMA in particular has some unique properties that make it potentially harmful to take frequently, especially in higher doses. While there are some steps you can take to minimize the harm that MDMA has on your brainpan (we wrote up a guide on the science behind neuron-saving supplementation here: MDMA is not something that is appropriate to take more than once every few months, at least if you value your ability to consistently use your dopamine and serotonin receptors.

As a general rule of them with psychedelics, especially ones like LSD and psilocybin that don't build as much of a tolerance, we like to advise folks wait until they have fully integrated their last experience before moving on to the next one. Have you really absorbed whatever teachings your experience had to give? Has your body fully recovered and your mind returned to baseline? What benefit would you get out of doing it again that you can't achieve by doing something less risky? What's the minimum effective dose and frequency to get you what you want? Some people find that a regular microdose protocol gives them much of the benefits with less of the hassle of a regular macrodose, for example. Psychedelics are incredible tools, but you want to make sure you're applying them with intention and care.


psychsafetyalliance OP t1_itsh2l2 wrote

At a physiological baseline, it takes half a week for your tolerance to LSD and mushrooms to fully reset after a single dose, so that's another factor to consider.


badluser t1_itvj5r2 wrote

Ive heard a month to reset tolerance on LSD and that seems to be anecdotally true