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PeanutSalsa t1_iu1osrj wrote

Why do you think the Libertarian Party isn't as popular among Americans as the two main parties are?


Mark4Gov OP t1_iu23x25 wrote

The Democratic and Republican primaries are funded by taxpayer money and third-party filing fees. They are also supported by the corporate media who only trumpets the candidates who buy ads on their stations.


jessegun87 t1_iu1prhp wrote

JMO, the majority of the population is simply uneducated. A free thinking, well educated individual understands the importance of a coexisting society.


WiChiveTa t1_iu23g3c wrote

This is true. To go a step further, because Libertarians always miss the threshold to participate in debates, many people don’t understand what the Libertarian party stands for.

It’s a shame that this platform isn’t being pushed more and that people can’t listen to a third or fourth opinion. I’ll never understand why PACs, especially those funded by self described Libertarians, such as the Kochs (Charles is the only politically active brother after the passing of David) choose to fund Republicans rather than candidates whose platform they alleged to believe in.