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NoFunHere t1_iu25tu6 wrote

That isn't an answer to my question. Where does the funding that follows the student come from?


Mark4Gov OP t1_iu5kmnr wrote

Until we have tax reform on the issue, the funding will come from the same place and manner as it currently does.


skabople t1_iu2ioyt wrote

Where it already comes from. Taxes.

It sounds like he wants to fix the issue (one issue anyhow) of the "rich" area of town having nicer schools compared to the others by allowing the money allocated per student to follow the student and allowing kids the option of not being stuck in their respective "zone". Plenty of people already do this by enrolling their kids in schools not a part of their district which had it's own complications and issues. Homeschooling as well could be an example of this but it's much cheaper then private school with the same benefits assuming a parent can put forth the effort.

Arizona has implemented their own version of school choice I think as well.


NoFunHere t1_iu2vbaa wrote

Not sure if you are speaking on his behalf or not, but there is a reason he dodged the question.


skabople t1_iu37f0w wrote

I personally worked with him on this AMA and others as a volunteer for his campaign but I do not want to put words in his mouth. I'll ask him if he can provide further details to your question as well as others on the thread. These AMAs are a lot of work surprisingly so some of these remarks are a little short. Feel free to send Mark a private message as well in Reddit or Twitter.


CritFin t1_iu38wig wrote

No need of any funding to public schools as they take vouchers from students.
