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Striking-Screen-3619 t1_iua65f3 wrote

The authoritarian government puts themselves first. They want power over you. They are selfish.

Your thread includes “I want,” which in your words is selfish. You are putting yourself first. Why should I cater to that? Why should your needs and desires supersede mine?

You seem to want more control over others, which is not empathetic or caring. You can’t control or legislate empathy and care.

Just like no one is forcing people to stuff their faces with food (good or bad) the government should not force me or others to put things in my body, including vaccines. If food is a personal choice, so are vaccines.

Just think about this, you want more government power and control? What happens when someone is elected that you don’t like and gets to have all that power you are championing? In other words, Trump can come back into office and wield all that power you wanted those in power to have (assuming you’re not a Trump supporter).

In other words, be careful what you wish for…


cowkong t1_iua8lnm wrote

I love how you can translate "I want the best for everyone" and call that selfish. It's honestly a really shallow attempt at taking something out of context to try to discredit an argument that explicitly states the opposite. But you do you, man. Vaccines aren't a personal choice simply because you live around others and your defiance of health and safety standards puts others at risk. IE it's selfish and does a disservice to those around you. Now, if you lived alone, completely isolated from society, I would have no qualms with that choice. We don't allow for people to set their houses on fire because it has the potential to harm others and their property, not due to a lack of freedom and personal choice.

I don't want control over others, I want a society that wants to work together to be the best it can. I don't think it's healthy for a large, sophisticated, and extremely complicated network of people, businesses, and services to only care for themselves, especially at the expense of others.

But I understand the fears of a large entity that controls it all, it's obviously faltering in many key aspects. Doesn't mean we should destroy it and return to human's previous state of individualism and tribalism. We only achieve what we have as humans because our societies that continue to grow as we do culturally.

We can balance control/power with accountability and creating a system that keeps it in check. We currently have systems that try to do that, although, again, it's far from perfect and something that needs to be worked on, not completely abolished. I appreciate your arguments and assumptions about my politics and wish you the best. Cheers.


Striking-Screen-3619 t1_iuacgwv wrote

Nope, I translated your desire for more government controls as selfish.

Vaccines are a personal choice. They go into my body. My body, my choice, right?

You don’t want control over others, but you just told me what to do with my body. Again, my body, my choice.

I believe in the power and uniqueness of the individual. I see you for what you are, what you can offer, and your individual potential for what you can become. I don’t merely see you as a group. That’s what Libertarian mean when they celebrate you as an individual. I see you as more than the collective.

I also appreciate your feedback. I appreciate our freedom to provide our feedback too.


cowkong t1_iuadq38 wrote

I see society as a relationship that requires a certain give and take. To make sacrifices for it and those within it and gain the advantage and services it provides.

I think we can easily agree on that something needs to be fixed currently and we want change. Just completely different views. I would absolutely love to be proved wrong if it created a better life for all, in which I'd gladly embrace whatever shape it took. Again, have a good day, it's been an enriching discussion.