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skabople t1_iuaixw4 wrote

Libertarians are for free choice but only if it doesn't harm others around you. We take addiction very seriously and greatly encourage social programs preferably at a local level so the service can be as personalized as possible. Most Libertarians love localism. We want the people to give back and help each other and that stance includes the government. You should be able to help people for the betterment of humanity. Libertarians want to make sure that the government doesn't get in the way of doing that. Sadly this isn't always displayed by the community of Libertarians in their messaging but our elected officials show otherwise. Ed Tiddwell the mayor of Lago Vista, Texas is libertarian. In the five years that he's been mayor the population increases ~60%, sales tax up by ~66%, property taxes dropped 33%, and they've been able to add more to their community in terms of parks and other small benefits thanks to his guidance and his team. My town has a $7 a month charge for your water bill that covers any and all emergency transportation to and from the hospitals and I personally along with many others would like to see this expand into more medical coverage for my city that's voluntary and encourages competition among government and corporations alike. It's a perfect example of localism that Libertarians love. I'm sorry the empathy doesn't always come across but the Libertarian Party of Texas craves an empathetic and loving society.


cowkong t1_iubydud wrote

Hey, thanks! I really appreciate an in-depth explanation of what Libertarianism means to you and probably many. It doesn't surprise me that a movement can be distorted as it gains a following and that a very loud portion can only further create an image that doesn't truly represent its cause. I also appreciate the addition of a real-world example to take a look at. I'm always interested in learning more and you've done a great job encouraging me to do so


skabople t1_iuc1xam wrote

CrowdHealth and "Healthshare" companies are very good examples of what libertarians like myself would like to see expanded as well. Affordable quality healthcare from the corporate side of things as well. Localism isn't the end all be all we don't want to put our eggs in one basket. Checks and balances stuffs lol