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stevesdemoreels OP t1_iu26qs8 wrote

Thank you. The people who were attached were behind the scenes people, producers that most people wouldn't recognize the names of. I've had conversations with certain actors, and actors' representatives about being involved but until you have the money, it's tough to get any big name actors attached.

Since I'm still actively pursuing getting this made I'd like to keep those names private for now. Ideally my friend and I who play the two main roles in the short would play those parts in the feature, we'd get a name actress to play the part of the girl and maybe get a big name for a smaller role that we would shoot for a day or two.

The conversations I've had were with people trying to get the bigger name attached first, then I could go to money people and say "Hey, we have _______ attached." It's kind of a double edged sword. Money people want name actors before they give you money and name actors want money before they sign on.