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vomitfrog123 t1_iwx53yg wrote

Do snuff movies exist? What are the rumours about snuff movies in ur line of work?


ArkGibson OP t1_ixmp5pn wrote

I wish I could give you a good answer on this, but in my own experience I’ve never had the conversation come up or seen evidence of them.

My understanding is that while they did exist at one point as a fringe part of movie making, they are almost non existent now. Only one I heard of was an Italian film but it’s name escapes me.


vomitfrog123 t1_ixrm7xi wrote

If they did exist they 100% still do. Especially with better technology like the Internet and live streams will make it easier IMO. How did you hear about the movie that you heard about? What is the talk within the movie industry about snuff movies?

Thank youbfor you're reply