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EzekielNOR OP t1_ix05fte wrote

It's an interesting question. Our software that we developed in particular doesn't focus on psychological trauma - However:

There are software projects that focus on PTSD and crisis handling in combination with traditional therapy, there are some Army projects doing this.

Other venues of VR usage are phobia through exposure therapy. Also in combination with qualified personnel.

From a personal standpoint - I could see use cases that involves preparing and easing in people that are transitioning to self-living after being in institutions. (Digital twins of soon-to-be-homes and training daily tasks for example).


Lbj1212 t1_ix2dkek wrote

Does Ez or anyone else know more about getting involved with helping develop this type of software? Thank you.


EzekielNOR OP t1_ix4kn99 wrote

I would try going directly to interest orgs that focuses on this and talk to them. They probably know where to look, or whom to contact.