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jafinch78 t1_ix5xtgf wrote

Awesome, thanks for the reply!

I see, sure best to focus on one group at a time.

Similarly, has been a challenging experience being a victim and advocating situational awareness of systems many deny exist... yet in the U.S. our own government has confirmed "non-lethal" weapons that are wireless and can be lethal if used outside of design non-lethal thresholds. Very politically challenging due to the not well disclosed uses of such devices for more than intelligence gathering. However, I've been trying to get the topic and situation more main stream, slowly but surely again as seems like there had been a hiatus on reporting about since the 80-90's.

Yeah, not sure how is in Norway, though in the U.S. we have systems like Epic EMR systems and others that are great relational database systems where is very helpful the dimensions of information that can be linked together along with potential tools to mine or process the data. Sad though how some of the basic information records systems get bogged down and bloated with GUI aesthetic... my guess hardware resource demanding for more sales aspects.