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notimpotent t1_iy5e2dn wrote

Hey Max - you were recommended by a friend of mine, he won't stop raving about your books. But I typically can only enjoy books when driving and so it's audio books for me.

Any chance some of your work will be put into audio format? Thanks!


MaxFlorschutzAMA OP t1_iy5ev0t wrote

I'm glad to hear word is getting out! Tell your friend thanks from me for spreading the word if you get the chance!

I totally understand the desire to be able to listen to books while driving and working (we used to listen to audio books while working back in my commercial fishing days). Unfortunately I don't have great news in that regard: Despite the boom of audiobooks, producing an audiobook isn't cheap, and I have an unfortunate habit of writing absolute tomes. The last I ran the numbers getting an audiobook of Colony made was a cost that was several times my current annual income, and as such it's still out of reach.

I definitely would like to do audiobooks in the future, make no mistake. Starting with Axtara - Banking and Finance. But for the immediate future, it's just not in the budget. I look forward to that day, however!


notimpotent t1_iy5fkk3 wrote

That's a bummer - here's to hoping your annual income will continue to increase from your work!

Thanks for the AMA!


felixismynameqq t1_iy5kppn wrote

Hey Max, I don't know your books or anything like that, i just found this post by chance. But, is it out of the realm to cut your costs by simply buying a microphone and a recording software and other such equipment and producing it your self? I mean maybe you have an actor friend or ask someone with a nice listenable talking voice to read your book for you. I am of the mind amateurs can be deceptively valuable and talented. I'm an audio engineer and I work in music but in my experience things like this while not easy, are much easier than many people might believe.

Just saying, could be a fun project for you and the idea of home producing your own audio book could be exciting.


MaxFlorschutzAMA OP t1_iy5lbv1 wrote

Even buying the equipment and doing a "homebrew" audiobook would still be quite expensive, largely due to the lengths of the works involved.

There have been discussions about using such methods, and I've even run the prices on a few of them, but still found them wildly above my annual budget, sadly.

But the good news is ...

> ... I don't know your books or anything like that ...

You can buy a few, which would increase your familiarity and help toward making audiobooks a reality!


felixismynameqq t1_iy5mbod wrote

I've actually just gotten back into reading but I've gotta finish the books I currently have. You're on my list though.


MaxFlorschutzAMA OP t1_iy5msux wrote

Hey, no shame there. Now that I'm done editing Starforge I'm getting back to my own list (And reading NOT for work. It's amazing!).

Though I would advise grabbing Colony today, while it's still on sale, and will save you a few bucks. I'm frugal, and as much as it's my income I know the importance of saving a buck!