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Powernick50 t1_iy5ov3i wrote

What is your favorite Science Fiction Movie - and series?


MaxFlorschutzAMA OP t1_iy5qg50 wrote

My tip-of-the-tongue answer is Star Wars. Specifically Return of the Jedi. I know, I know, most people prefer The Empire Strikes Back, but I love fleet engagements, and that final fleet battle in RotJ is one of my favorite cinema moments of all time. I love fleet battles in general—big and small—which is why I also why I was so thrilled to have several ship to ship battles in Starforge.

However, my answer would not be complete without noting two other films that I absolutely have a soft place in my heart for, one which is very much Sci-Fi and one which really isn't but I'll list it anyway. The first is Predator. Yup, with Schwarzenegger. I love the way that movie upends its tropes, and the Predator itself is just an amazing design.

The other movie isn't really a Sci-Fi, but it is the perfect film. I speak, of course, of the Kevin Bacon film Tremors.

Now series ... that's a tough one. There are a lot of Sci-Fi series out there, some of which are very good, and it's hard to pick just one. But I'm going to go for an odd shot and say that while I'll love Star Trek for its approach and Star Wars shows for theirs, and I love Firefly ... I'd have to say that all of those, I feel, owe the original Twilight Zone. It's Sci-Fi—sometimes fantasy—that asked tough questions or posited moral conundrums often without an answer.

Picking a favorite is nigh impossible, but I do have a place in my heart for The Twilight Zone and its approach to making us think about ourselves.