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mpf315 t1_j0swvb0 wrote

Since you’re not on video and could fake the enthusiasm, what are you actually doing while on a call? I’d imagine like, trimming your toenails, making a grocery list, looking out the window and being annoyed by the same stupid white truck that drives by everyday that is so loud the car alarms go off.


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sxexy wrote

I draw, play video games, text my friends, and scroll on social media. Anything quiet, basically.


chocolate_milk_dude t1_j0suuy2 wrote

Do some people's "extreme" sexual fantasies ever get too disturbing to act along with? If so, what was the topic?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0svhzk wrote

The site I use bans the usual suspects. Pedophilia, incest, meeting in real life, and scat, to name a few. So the trick is to act like the site is being a wet blanket and won't let me, and redirect to something else (like being their best friend if they wanted me to be their sister). Though the pedos never let themselves be redirected, they just hang up when I say that no, I won't be 15 for them.


chocolate_milk_dude t1_j0swaey wrote

It's good that they don't allow that or encourage you to play along.


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0swrca wrote

Yep! When I was looking to get into this line of work, I avoided the companies that force you to play along. You couldn't pay me enough to pretend to be a kid.


foustysfinds t1_j0swvnt wrote

Someone else asked how you got into it and you say that anyone can do it like doordash. Please tell me you're getting paid more than you get paid doing doordash. Is it actually lucrative at all? Is it hard to attract clients?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sx96m wrote

I won't glamorize it. Anyone who says you'll get rich from it is probably trying to sell you something. I'm broke and have roommates to split the rent. I have a steady amount of clients using the site's feature where you bid to have ad space for your listing. After taxes, I'm making the same I did at minimum wage jobs (all I have the skill for) for doing flexible, fully remote work, so im happy with it, but not rich


foustysfinds t1_j0syomn wrote

Thanks. What i figured. Like the people saying you can make millions with feet pics and selling panties, etc. I imagine the market is flooded so you'd have to do a lot of promoting and get to be some kind of well known to make the bank


andrewbergen t1_j0sukmh wrote

What is your favorite client like?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0suqqp wrote

This may sound harsh but I don't have a favorite. 99 percent of the guys who call are guys I'd be very nervous to be on an elevator with.


StupidizeMe t1_j0sva0g wrote

>99 percent of the guys who call are guys I'd be very nervous to be on an elevator with.

Sounds like a very uncomfortable job. Or at least a job that can make everyday life feel uncomfortable and creepy.


bunchofclowns t1_j0swei0 wrote

People still call phone sex lines?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0swmfp wrote

Mostly old guys who still remember when it was "a thing".


baasim00 t1_j0susmr wrote

What pushes you through those rough days when you have relationship/money/scheduling/life problems? Do you have a process to “get into character” that helps you get into work mode?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sv0xf wrote

-The rough times I get through by knowing it's an ebb and flow between the good and the bad. The droughts won't last forever. -I don't have much of a process because it comes naturally to me. Although it helps I intentionally styled my persona to be something I'd have an easy time pretending to be.


Ceil012 t1_j0sxkgs wrote

First off, props to you for doing that as a profession. I believe it would take a toll on anyone.

What was the worst experience you have had so far in the business?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sxsqa wrote

Some asshole with a failing marriage tried to goad me (white) into saying the n word, and called me offended when I refused. He refused to tell me what sort of fantasy or kinks he had, what porn he watched, so I had nothing to work with. He also tried to convince me to sell him my panties (against the site rules to sell physical items), and was rude overall.


Ceil012 t1_j0sy72m wrote

Ugh that would not be a fun experience in the slightest, I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Follow up, are you allowed to hang up at any point? Or like most customer service, do you have to stay on the line politely?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0syfnu wrote

It's all up to me how I wanna run the show. I'm rewarded by cheaper advertising if I get returning customers and longer calls, so I'm incentivized to not just hang up willy nilly. Plus, guys can review me. But twice I've hung up, both times when the customer insinuated I was their underage daughter.


Ceil012 t1_j0szlax wrote

There always has to be a cutoff point! Gross those people world resort to that type of thing, those positive reviews would not be worth the hassle of dealing with people like that.

I hope you do the best in the field! Sounds like you have it pretty under control!


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Glocksfordayz t1_j0sv8wz wrote

Do you have to show yourself on cam or can you just chat?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0svmxa wrote

Cam is an option, but I don't do that. I do phone calls and texting. Thus is because I don't actually masturbate for the callers, I just fake the sounds. Can't fake it on cam lol


01plus01is03 t1_j0svydc wrote

Would it be worth it to only text? Like as in are you paid more to take a call?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sw86w wrote

One of my PSO friends (there's a discord server for everything) has been doing only text due to a sore throat, but the way the site works, the ad space you bid for is only shown to customers if you have your call line on. So it's easier said than done.


nerdsonarope t1_j0sz2q9 wrote

Never would have occurred to me that sexy texting is a thing people pay for.


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0szd2a wrote

It is, and it's mostly me receiving dick pics, but it's $$$ so whatevs


chocolate_milk_dude t1_j0swrxk wrote

Have you ever had a woman caller?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sww7d wrote

One singular time. She wanted to play a fantasy where she was the alpha bitch of the school and I was the shy geek. Cunnilingus ensued, obviously


ToeJamFootballer t1_j0svkt9 wrote

How do you become a phone sex operator?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sw281 wrote

It's gig work not unlike Doordash. Anyone with a bank account and ID can sign up and make a profile on the site, though advertising and attracting customers is up to you.


untakenu t1_j0syx0l wrote

What do you look at while talking? Are you browsing the internet? Do you wander around aimlessly, picking up random objects?

I find it awkward enough talking on the phone because many people don't speak loudly enough. How do you deal with having to ask someone to repeat themselves?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0sz34b wrote

I'm chilling in bed, looking at social media. I can even draw or play video games too.


GaryV83 t1_j0t02hs wrote

This is awesome and thank you for being so responsive. Considering you've already answered any questions I could think of for your line of work (With the possible exception of one: What's the singular most uncomfortable/traumatic interaction that you have had so far? disregard, you did already answer that), I'd like to ask a few off-topic questions, if I may.

What's the meaning behind your username?

What are your preferred toppings on a sandwich?

Suicide Squad or THE Suicide Squad?

Thoughts on Henry Cavill?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0t0rfm wrote

  1. I like splatoon and vampires, hence squidteeth.
  2. I like a classic hamd and cheese for a cold sandwich, or grilled cheese for a hot one.
  3. I haven't seen either if those, but I'll go with the second. It sounds more important
  4. He seems cool. Sad he won't be superman anymore :<

cynicalprecious t1_j0t0474 wrote

Do you ever get legitimately turned on by callers?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0t0i7n wrote

I haven't, no, but I'm not a very horny person except for fictional characters


Raven_no1 t1_j0t228z wrote

I don't know if you have been asked this before, but I read in a reply that you have a roomate, so do they like, hear what you say on the calls and they're just chill or are they just not there?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0t2jbo wrote

There's enough wall between us that it doesn't seem to bother them.


Raven_no1 t1_j0t36c2 wrote

Ah, that's good to know. Tell your roommate that a random person on Reddit said hi for me.


Arakis-balls t1_j0t5zyr wrote

did you ever get attached to a client? If not then what was closest?


squ1dteeth OP t1_j0t63rb wrote

I haven't been yet. I consider not getting attached, though, an asset rather than a detriment. It's hist business to me


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JillyPops200 t1_j0w413m wrote

you ever meet actually nice guys on there?