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DerHeinzW t1_j3skydz wrote

This „any amount is bad“ does not help. Obviously there is at least a rough limit of lead per day consumed that will not significantly affect a developing brain, vs. an amount that does. I am interested in that limit, and whether it is exceeded here or not.

It’s really not a difficult concept. They might be right, you might be right, but so far I see nothing at all to convince me of either. I know how parts per billion work, I do not know what quantities of lead affect brain development or not.


Jfish033 t1_j3vxela wrote

There is literally no amount that is not bad for you. With this much discussion you can easily go research on the internet and see this. Takes like 5-10 minutes to learn your answer. You've ingested ALOT of lead in your life and your okay. The problem is you cant say lead is ok because it actually does harm your body. IF you wanted to raise the smartest baby in the world i think then you might consider looking into lead consumption but if you just want a healthy baby like every other human in this world then you would probably prioritize them eating veggies vs concerned about lead content of said veggies.


Jfish033 t1_j3tafk6 wrote

Theres none that is safe, zero. It all degrades brain receptors. You ever smell a fart? You probably lost more brain cells from that. You are not thinking to well. 15 PARTS PER BILLION. Please research how much a billion is and realize your talking about something probably 1/100 the size of a piece of sand.