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HighFivePuddy t1_j3xb9b3 wrote

I've had consultations at two clinics. One was adamant that I'd need to take finasteride post-surgery, the other didn't recommend it. Both are on Harley St in London, so would be considered reputable clinics.

Why is there quite a fundamental difference in post op treatment? What is the recommend at your clinic?

Side question: Does topical fin work as well as oral?


ParsaMohebiMD OP t1_j3xf1j6 wrote

I would say that, just like anyone else in a business or medical field, everyone has a different opinion on certain topics. I'd say that taking finasteride after surgery is not completely necessary as the transplanted hairs will remain in their new home on a permanent basis. There are some patients who want to keep using it on the rest of their scalp to slow the balding process and maintain their native hairs.

Topical finasteride has been shown to be as effective as oral finasteride so, in some ways, it is up to the personal preference of the individual.