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zNz__2321 t1_j47y6fa wrote

What are the economics behind this endeavor:

  • How is this funded?
  • What are the biggest costs?
  • How do you pitch the benefits? Have you noticed what stakeholders seem to be the most receptive to?

leopardusmdd OP t1_j47ywdt wrote

Hoja Nueva is approx 70% funded by donations and 30% by visitors. We run a research center on our reserve - separate from the wildlife rehab center - where we accept interns, student groups, etc. Profits from those visits all go to feeding our animals and paying local Peruvian staff!
Our biggest costs depend on our projects at the time, but is generally split between local salaries and animal care. Depending on the year we also have construction/maintenance costs that can get quite high, and logistics costs from being so remote (4 hours from the closest city, having to transport food and supplies by boat and car, sometimes every 3 days).
Thanks for the questions!!