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leopardusmdd OP t1_j480cmn wrote

One of the biggest moral conflicts around rewilding is 1) when to start breaking free from an individual wild animal to let them become more independent and 2) choosing the right time to release them into the wild. There is no protocol as every species and even every individual are completely different. They come to us at different ages, with different backgrounds and traumas - physically and psychologically. We have to make really tough decisions about their futures. For instance, wild animals that have come from the pet trade and are extremely used to/most comfortable with human presence. It is difficult and quite emotional to turn away, but often times we have to. This is when speaking to animals would come in really handy...
We also face inter-governmental and inter-organizational issues you just wouldn't expect in this field. We are all working toward the same goal - right? What is best for animals -- right? Not always right. Some people/orgs/govs have different protocols and often times different decisions -- ones that conflict with my personal morals. In the end you have to stand up for what you believe is right, while also recognizing the bigger picture. Easier said than done!