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CopperShrimp t1_j485rhv wrote

what is the one thing that would make your work immediately easier?


leopardusmdd OP t1_j4863n5 wrote

  1. Money! We make a huge impact with a small budget - can only imagine what we could do with some serious backing.
  2. More influence within the government to address animal welfare/ wildlife trafficking country-wide.

CopperShrimp t1_j4876bj wrote

money is always an issue what revenue streams are you using? meaning do you run on private backing, or do you have projects - development/ research? in regard to the second, is that in any way realistic - meaning to influence the government?


leopardusmdd OP t1_j48bieq wrote

One of the biggest issues here is turnover in governmental positions. There are maybe 4-5 positions for "wildlife" in every region but personnel is changed sometimes every 6 months. Our team (and teams like us, conservation orgs and rescue centers) remain constant (generally). But every 6 months we are having to rebuild relationships due to the turnover, and as you can imagine, all logistics get turned upside down and it's hard to move forward with any changes or new intitiatives. Maybe "influence" isn't the right word but being recognized as more of a constant, inherently "in it" - with more say in what happens to rescued animals, where the go etc. Another issue is that these wildlife departments are usually the last to receive funding, and NGOs ourselves are usually the ones financially supporting the rescue of wildlife across the country even though it shouldn't be that way.


CopperShrimp t1_j48d0s0 wrote

That is obviously a difficult position you are in. Are you, and similar local/ related organisations somehow organised/unified in your endeavours towards the local government? Why is the turnover in regard to the regional authorities so high? As this does not seem connected to governmental turnover.


CopperShrimp t1_j487ns3 wrote

just read one of the other answers you have given, so forget number one - you already answered