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Bumchewer t1_j5eg83j wrote

Yeah they did, I was in hospital a lot at the time I was young mid twenties and didn’t want to go on a stoma. I had a great doctor, think he was one of the top guys in the country at the time and he gave it the ok. As expensive as the shakes are they were probably cheaper than me spending another month in hospital. I also tried all other meds but had life threatening side effects with a lot of them so it was a sort of last resort to get me of the steroids. The only drug that did actually work for me, for the 6months I was on it was remicade.


Conor_Stewart t1_j5ij9sx wrote

How long ago was this?

Also did you have any lasting effects from being on a liquid diet for that length of time with your bowel pretty much not working for the entire time you were in the liquid diet?


Bumchewer t1_j5imblw wrote

It was 2015 looking back at my photos. Yeah the lasting affect was I slowly got better from that point onwards. I was also on Remicade/Remsima started shortly after the shakes. But I was only on that for around 6months as I kept going in to anaphylaxis with it. Happened 3 times. The combination of the 2 in quick succession really helped me heal though and eating a good diet now has kept me that way. Will be 7 years now since I took any medication and over 5 since I’ve had any symptoms. I made lots of other changes as well but the shakes really stopped the downward spiral I was on and got me out of the being on steroids feeling better coming off steroids going in to a flare cycle.