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BrownNWG OP t1_j5lcexe wrote

>I saw you mention in another comment that vape/e-cigs are "less harmful" than smoking? Did I get that right? Can you provide me verifiable information on this? I've smoked on and off for years, and frankly of all the addictions I've quit in my life, nicotine is the hardest. I've been sceptical of vape, because of its relative newness. But the times that I turned to vape, it definitely made my lungs feel "better", relatively to smoking.
>If I was confident in its safety, I would definitely return to it as an alternative.

Current research shows that e-cigarettes, especially newer generations, contain less harmful chemicals than combustible cigarettes. However, we do not know the long-term effects of e-cigarettes on health (they’ve only been around since 2007 and issues could take longer to show up). Those who regularly smoke cigarettes and switch to e-cigarettes (even partially) are more likely to quit smoking altogether and have fewer cancer-causing chemicals in their blood. A lot of recent research has been summarized in a recent paper: . But this field is changing quickly as we learn more so it’s important to stay vigilant!


kingdazy t1_j5lcodt wrote

Thanks for the information! I will look into this.