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BrownNWG OP t1_j5lmzz0 wrote

>When comparing cigarettes to vaping, how to you do an apples to apples comparison for qty and nicotine levels. For and example a Marlboro red equals X MG of nicotine per cigarette. How may mil of e-juice at what nic level would be equal?
>This would be good to know if you are using vaping to quit and lower your nic dosage.

This is a question our research field struggles with because nicotine content does not equal what gets into the blood. Part of the difficulty is that there are differences between people and products (see our response here: The best research on this looks at the actual concentration of nicotine that gets into the bloodstream. For example, the nicotine salts in e-liquid and their concentration were closely designed to match the nicotine delivery of a cigarette (see this chart from the patent filing from Pax labs, the company that spun off JUUL: