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BrownNWG OP t1_j5uucn0 wrote

>Hi there thank you for answer any and all questions. My question is regarding cigar smoking. I enjoy on average 3-4 cigars a month, summer time maybe closer to 7-8 a month. Obviously with any type of smoking I understand that I have a higher chance of lung cancer than not smoking at all, but what type of long term negatives should I be aware of and how dangerous is it to have on average 3-4 cigars a month? Thank you

Regular cigar smokers have increased rates of oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer. More research on intermittent cigar smoking specifically would be helpful, but in its absence we can talk about light and intermittent cigarette smoking. Light and intermittent smoking has nearly the same impact on cardiovascular health as daily smoking. The risk for cancer is more dose-dependent, but there is still a large jump in risk versus non-smoking.