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BBWolf326 t1_j5xc8q9 wrote

When you write your songs, do you ever have to google your lyrics to make sure they are all your own? Have you ever changed lyrics because someone else had something too similar? What song made you want to write?


Bradleybrookwood t1_j5xj9se wrote

As far as lyrics go I was lucky that the words I wrote were original, but music and beats were a different story. When I was 15 or so and still learning about sound editing I'd download random backing tracks and try to loop instrumentals to try and make a melody. I can write lyrics but making melodies is super hard for me and I don't understand why. I've had perfect pitch since before I could talk, all I did was hum and if the note I was humming matched the note of the sound I was happy. Eventually I just kept at it and then when I learned how to talk I started singing shortly afterwards. IF someone were to write a song and give one to me I could sing it no problem, but trying to make my own melodies, well, let's just say it doesn't really go all that well.