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Bradleybrookwood t1_j5xk1hi wrote

As far as what made me want to write, I think I was always naturally good at poetry and I was always good at rhyming things, but my lyrics kind of sucked. I mean, most of the stuff I wrote was when I was 13/15 and I was writing your typical cheesy teenage baby I love you type songs when I didn't know the first thing about what love is, and at the old age of 31 I honestly still don't. My lyrics kind of got more hilarious as I got older. When I figured out and accepted I was gay I started writing songs about guys and how they did me wrong. Some of them were about encounters I've dealt with in real life, others were fictional and some of them were super funny because some sets of lyrics were written when I was stoned out of my mind. I wish I had those lyrics but all of that got lost in a hard drive crash when my external drive kicked the bucket. Lesson learned don't ever use External drives, use cloud storage instead.