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TurboTBag t1_j66i00o wrote

That's some solid advice. Thanks for sharing.

I feel like most people in their 20s have this sort of anxiety with what they should be doing in their lives. I know I definitely did.

If you've got time to answer another question: What's your happiest childhood memory that you'll never forget?


LizRD15 OP t1_j6o3q05 wrote

My pleasure, TurboTBag!

I agree, the 20s is a tough decade and everyone is just figuring it out.

My happiest childhood memory is the constant love I felt toward and received from my parents and older brother. Although, my brother definitely did not love me ALL the time. As an adult, I recognize the safety and security I felt my entire childhood that not everybody feels. When you're a child experiencing this you don't know any different so I did not realize how helpful it was in shaping who I am.