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RaefnKnott t1_j6avncr wrote

I'm consulting with my doc this coming week, but I'm sorta concerned I may have an ED...

I have ADHD, and all my life eating first time has been nearly impossible for me. Then in HS (14yo) I stopped taking a lunch or eating one in general. I ate dinner normally and then would have a snack or two in the evening.

After moving out I only cooked dinners for my partner and I and so that normally all I had for the day.

Now as a parent with kiddos I feed them proper meals, but having been placed on concerta just over a year ago, I have bad food aversion. After my kids go to bed I smoke some weed to give myself the munchies (and help with insomnia), and then eat a large dinner.

I've always had a hard time with eating 'proper' meals, but this seems worse. Its usually 600-1000 calories in my 'meal' around 9pm and I'm not normally going to sleep until 1-2am.

Anyways, I was curious about EDs after post COVID make my food aversion worse (like full blown nausea) and came across night eating in the disordered eating research I was doing.

I do consume most of my food at night, like 98% of it honestly. Am I in serious trouble here in the long run? I don't even know how to start going about fixing it.

I'm 27, AFAB, and 165lbs if that info helps...

Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.