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LusoInvictus t1_j6aqqq3 wrote

Ah man thank you for the AMA. I've been reading every answer. Besides TryHackMe what other websites/forums/media you keep tabs on to be up to date?


cyberjerry42 OP t1_j6arevi wrote

It's my absolute pleasure! Twitter is full of great security researchers like JohnHammond, TheXSSRat , TheMayor and many more (see who they retweet and follow them). There is also a lot of great content on youtube such as Liveoverflow and the cyber mentor. Finally, once you feel like you're ready for the real deal, head over to hackthebox. They have some great challenges. In terms of CTFs, I highly recommend going to picoCTF. You'll pickup great tricks there. BurpAcademy is also a great starting point for webapp related stuff!