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sumo_suzy-5708 t1_j7wwzx1 wrote

I am an old 45 year old who last played the second last year of high school and learned the first movement of the Mendelsohn concerto and passed my Grade 10 violin with RCM. I flamed out so bad with the play with ray challenge. I didn't have a teacher. I tired to learn the notes like I remember my teacher telling me. I couldn't make it to tempo. Don't have intonation anymore. Is it possible for an old dog to relearn old tricks and how should I be practicing . I played the second part first movement from susuki book as a kid, slower, but can't keep up with you. Any practice tips? I can't learn it in a week. Couldn't learn it in 8 ish Any practice tips for apt? I have a mute on but still worried about getting kicked out and I can learn the notes but I can't learn the bowing arm properly cause I have to play soft all the time

I am willing to find a teacher but I have always spent more time trying to learn notes than work on the music

And is there hope for a 45 year old. I want to sound decent. Apparently I can't play anymore.

Love your playing. Hope to see you live one day.


paishocajun t1_j7x4uif wrote

Not Ray (obviously) but I'm in there with you, 35 and self study (never played before Oct though). I see comments on YT videos and fiddle/violin sites where people are picking it up at 60+, 70+. People like us aren't going to make it to Ray's level, obviously, but my goal is to get good enough to play at church, at least for like Christmas and such.

One note, one song at a time. Literally just the other night I finally played Lightly Row by myself all the way through with no sheet music. My next goal is Song of the Wind and to do Lightly Row with a metronome.

The great thing about being adults starting, we're never going to get to Ray's level! We're not competing for scholarships and such. We can learn at our own pace, doing what we can as we get there, and most importantly, for fun.


sumo_suzy-5708 t1_j7x63rg wrote

I want to get back to where I used to be :-( I feel more than ever I have unfinished business as I never finished my ARCT (not ray but I am a coder)