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ViolinPianoArtist t1_j7z5852 wrote

Hi, Ray,

i got an issue about projection awareness and recognition from Ray Chen Violin Masterclass at SFCM

y, when daily self practice, i always feel under my own roof, if i play too loud, it sounds rough and not nice.

so i felt i have to play as soft as i can but the fact is i will never get a chance to practice projection for a big space sound effect and purpose.

but, if i practice projection, i.e. exaggerate every single note and record my self, later when i listen to my recording, it sounds rough and horrible.

sigh.......same issue with my piano. cos, since i record myself last year, i noticed that i better not peddle down my piano, i.e. minimize the least .......... otherwise the recording video won't sound good at all.

it's so contradict and different before and after i record myself. y, recording do teach me many things. be solid, never hesitate, keep going, moving on even if i unwillingly but unavoidably making a mistake. also focus on playing the music from the perspective of being an audience, etc. etc.

indeed, recoding has pros and cons.

y, i indeed like to know your view upon this issue, how you practice your projection vs practice for the beauty of music for our own ears right next to the violin? Thank you.