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cadenhead t1_j84coce wrote

I read that your inspiration was how good Famous Amos cookies were when Wally Amos started the business at one location on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. How hard was it to reverse engineer a cookie similar to his original?


begreen622 OP t1_j84g3bo wrote

It actually wasn't too hard. His secret was serving his cookies fresh and still warm. Judy and I began baking at home and tested in Farmers Markets around L.A. We actually greatly improved his cookie by employing butter and higher quality chocolate chips. Judy and I tested for weeks and weeks and found that the real "truth" of a chocolate chip cookie is discovered about 36 hours after baking.


VaguelyArtistic t1_j84guwz wrote

Ha! I remember that Famous Amos. Is it's still there?


cadenhead t1_j84ls9j wrote

It's a Brazilian restaurant Bossa Nova at 7181 Sunset Blvd. that kept the triangle roof.


begreen622 OP t1_j84qga1 wrote

He is in Hawaii last I heard. Living on Social Security. A good human, not a good businessman.