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ediblebadger t1_j85trcq wrote

Bart, is it true that you labeled some of your cookies as gluten-free when in fact they were not safe for celiacs to eat, then made a website specifically to impugn the character of the person who politely called you out on it?


cadenhead t1_j849t97 wrote

Did you have to sell Dispoz-a-Scoop after California DAs sent a notice that it was illegal to sell the dog poop scooper because it was called "99% biodegradable" on the packaging? And was it biodegradable?


begreen622 OP t1_j84lu7b wrote

no. It was a ignorant move by the DA. Any intelligent responsible DA would have given notice so the "issue" could be resolved. Still in business but I lost 2 major customers who still accounted for over $1million in sales annually. 12 people lost their jobs. Fault of a overzealous DA trying to advance herself by taking irresponsible/wrong action


Naught t1_j86k6la wrote

I've read all your comments, and to put it succinctly, you have presented yourself as a delusional conman who is psychologically incapable of taking responsibility for his own failures.

You must be absolutely miserable.


begreen622 OP t1_j84b9u1 wrote

no. It was a ignorant move by the DA. Any intelligent responsible DA would have given notice so the "issue" could be resolved. Still in business but I lost 2 major customers who still accounted for over $1million in sales annually. 12 people lost their jobs. Fault of a overzealous DA trying to advance herself by taking irresponsible/wrong action


ediblebadger t1_j84f889 wrote

But was the scoop biodegradable?


begreen622 OP t1_j84kzmt wrote

99% as I've always stated.


ediblebadger t1_j84m802 wrote

Okay, but what do you mean by biodegradable? How long does it take to break down, and under what conditions? Do you mean that, per FTC guidelines, the bags (or 99% of them?) "will completely break down into its natural components within one year after customary disposal"?


begreen622 OP t1_j84osex wrote

We've dropped that claim years ago. A waste of time


ediblebadger t1_j84pnpu wrote

I don’t know what to tell you. When evaluating whether I should buy or crowdfund your projects, I have to take into account the track record of your marketing of previous products. Do you believe your marketing was deceptive or not?


begreen622 OP t1_j84xvxz wrote

I never consciously would do anything deceptive - I do not have to.


begreen622 OP t1_j84r4mz wrote

my marketing has never been nor ever will be deceptive. Ever.


ediblebadger t1_j84thv5 wrote

I’d like to trust you on that, but you understand that I can’t know that unless you go into some detail about specifically what conditions under which the bags biodegrade, and what you think happens to your poop bags after people throw them away.

My guess is that if people throw the bags away in the trash (as they must, since dog poop isn’t compostable), the bags will sit in a landfill for substantially longer than a year. Is that correct or incorrect?


begreen622 OP t1_j84xmha wrote

I can not answer that accurately- what I can say is that I dropped the claim, I would have dropped it years ago if I had any idea that California had enacted a new law that eluded my daily research, that an ridiculously overzealous Assistant DA would glom on to to promote her career instead of acting responsibly. I am most proud that my Dispoz-A-Scoop saves lives as I developed it in the first place to isolate peoples hands who want to pick up poop, from contact with bacteria -especially those with compromised such as those who have a auto-immunity deficiency (cancer patients), and pregnant women.


ediblebadger t1_j84zmh6 wrote

So do you not know whether your own product was biodegradable? How much research did you do into this before you applied that marketing to your product?

The FTC guidelines I posted above originally came out in 1992. Lots of dog bag makers have been taken to task over this issue in the past. You definitely could have known. Whatever the merits to your grievances against that particular DA, you probably shouldn’t have used that marketing term in the first place, no? In a sense, you cost yourself by making claims that you could not support.

I’m drilling into this slightly because if you said “We were wrong to use that term, technically the bag can biodegrade but we didn’t think fully through what most people think that means in practice, so we removed the claim after the DA told us to.” That would make a lot of sense and be basically fine by me. But that would require acknowledging that you made a mistake, which you seem to be psychologically incapable of doing. This is a very troubling (but common) trait for a business leader!


begreen622 OP t1_j850zve wrote

I developed and introduced D-A-S in 1985. And I'm not as astute as a socially irresponsible, overzealous, CA Asst. DA who cares more about promoting his or her performance to his or her superiors. There is such a thing as employing discretion and human consideration for constituents, many of whom are small business owners struggling to put food on the table.


TylerJWhit t1_j8573es wrote

So... What methods and research did you go to confirm your product was biodegradable? Under which conditions are the biodegradable?

You keep saying they are biodegradable and at the same time saying you dropped the claim, then saying you still stand by it.

So once and for all, show us your work.


begreen622 OP t1_j857vkx wrote

if you wish to be absolutely technical it was true 99% and is true by weight. None-the-less, I stand by everything I say and claim.


TylerJWhit t1_j8584gh wrote

How do you know that it was biodegradable? What studies are conducted?


begreen622 OP t1_j85aakv wrote

P.S. please read all of my comments.


machina99 t1_j85b865 wrote

Cool so on your instructions I just read every comment you've posted. You never once cite a source for any study or research that shows your bags were biodegradable. So how did you know the bag was biodegradable?


begreen622 OP t1_j85e3l8 wrote

that claim was dropped years ago, as it really had no strategic importance.


Sacket t1_j85f7m5 wrote

Well I never heard about your business before this AMA, now I guess I know to NEVER buy your products in the future lol.


machina99 t1_j85enx4 wrote

At the time the claim was made did you do any research or confirmation that the bags were biodegradable? "I stopped making deceptive claims," is different than, "My claim was true."


TylerJWhit t1_j85m127 wrote

You don't understand. He removed the claim but at the time it was totally true.

Don't worry though, because he dropped the claim when it was.... Well when it was still true... Or something.

Major /s in case anyone is confused.


hermanhermanherman t1_j85e4o7 wrote

I am and you’re evading the question lol. Just stop answering if you’re going to act like a child


Blibbobletto t1_j87jfov wrote

"I broke the law but they should have let me off because I'm the main character."


ediblebadger t1_j85i316 wrote

I'm interested in the idea that these bags are more sanitary than other dog bags. Your website mentions 'bacterial pass-through.' As far as I am aware, touching dog feces through a plastic bag does not put anybody risk of contact with bacteria passing through the plastic.

Can you substantiate the idea that bacteria can migrate through the plastic bag? If you say that your scoop "saves lives", surely you can provide statistics on how many people get sick and die from bacteria transmitted through a plastic bag?


begreen622 OP t1_j84ypax wrote

biodegradability was never claimed


ediblebadger t1_j84zyzw wrote

It is pretty clear from the discussion and your previous comments and sources I can find online that you did previously package the product with the claim “99% Bio-Degradable”. Can you explain exactly what that means?


begreen622 OP t1_j853mxn wrote

Here is exactly what I can say. 99% biodegradable was exactly accurate when I employed the term. When I first learned I need to change the nomenclature was from a large customer who received the notice from the irresponsible Asst. DA before I even received a courtesy note/letter/email/phone call.


TylerJWhit t1_j857aye wrote

How was it accurate then? Under what conditions?

How can you claim your never made that claim when you keep repeating the claim?


ediblebadger t1_j856tw2 wrote

If the claim was exactly accurate, then what did it mean specifically? Is it 99% by weight or by volume or what? Under what conditions do the bags degrade, and how long does it take?


begreen622 OP t1_j8588a0 wrote

by weight. its made of cardboard a low carbon frame and a light .0002 thick plastic film (producer claim)


ediblebadger t1_j85fmdu wrote

Oh lol, this is actually worse than I thought. I thought you made the bag out of something that is *theoretically* degradable (e.g. in soil with water) but just doesn't degrade in practice. It sounds to me like you are calling this 99% biodegradable based solely on the cardboard, because the plastic is a negligible share of the weight.

Even then, I'm not sure how you get to 99%--the frame is metal, right? I would assume it is more than 1% of the weight of the product but maybe I'm wrong. How much does each component weigh, and how biodegradable is it?

if the bag itself is just some non-degradable plastic like PE, then yes I would say this is a very misleading, if technically true, claim. You could make an equally biodegradable product by just selling a regular plastic bag with the dog poop already in it! "Pre-filled!"

You know very well that this is not what people are looking for when they are looking for an environmentally friendly bag. That's as true in 1985 as it is today. Can you explain why you think this isn't deceptive?


TylerJWhit t1_j84gab8 wrote

You aren't taking accountability when you blame the entire thing on the DA, nor did you answer the question. Was it biodegradable?


begreen622 OP t1_j84yl58 wrote

never claimed it was biodegradable.


begreen622 OP t1_j84pc3a wrote

We dropped the claim and would have the day the idiot contacted us, if she would have and that's where the rub is. She didn't take responsibility as a "public servant" to have contacted us before taking drastic unwarranted action. She cost me big money and our employees their livelihoods. All to promote herself.


TylerJWhit t1_j852553 wrote

Why make the claim in the first place if it wasn't true? Why does it take the threat oh legal action for you to not falsify?


begreen622 OP t1_j852ory wrote

it was true when I made the claim. please read my string of prior replies


WallStCRE t1_j849jfd wrote

“End of the road” means you’re going out out of business? Sorry to hear. What’s next for you?


begreen622 OP t1_j84dki2 wrote

Posting on Indigogo for crowd-funding


ediblebadger t1_j84oxew wrote

I noticed that your Amazon page says a 1.6 oz bag of Belgian Chocolate Chip Cookies is 105 calories, but evidently the bags say that there are actually two 105 calorie servings per bag. Can you clear up this ambiguity, given that you specifically market your cookies as healthier than alternatives?


begreen622 OP t1_j84rlb7 wrote

it's 105 calories per serving. adjusting it upward to I believe 124 calories in our next package printing


ediblebadger t1_j84u392 wrote

Understood, thanks. Will you correct your Amazon store page, which suggests that a single package contains 105 calories? I notice several reviewers have been confused by this.


begreen622 OP t1_j84wbz8 wrote

I will correct on Monday. I'd do it now except revising Amazon confuses me and the person who does this will be at the office Monday 8AM. Thx B


BayYawnSay t1_j8q64ta wrote

Hi there, it's now Wednesday (an hour away from Thursday) and this has not been corrected as of now. What happened on Monday?


begreen622 OP t1_j8qb330 wrote

I'll follow up in the AM.. I had to delegate it to someone who knows what they're doing on Amazon. -assumed it was done, my mistake. Stand by (thanks for the reminder)


CentralHarlem t1_j8471c6 wrote

Why would you bet your net worth on your success in a market with no barriers to competition?


begreen622 OP t1_j84f6kw wrote

I have ultimate confidence in my intuition, abilities and experience. I love a great chocolate chip cookie and couldn't find one that satisfied my taste buds.


begreen622 OP t1_j8480uj wrote

I choose to be the best at what I do. There's always room at the top.


EndlesslyCynicalBoi t1_j84e6dc wrote

How much money have you put towards charitable causes in the last year?


begreen622 OP t1_j84h15n wrote

If you count going out of my way to take the risk with providing marginal people with excellent opportunities, lots of money. Outside of that perhaps $1,000


cadenhead t1_j84mie4 wrote

Hi, OP. To prove your identity so this post might be restored, put up a photo at where you're holding up a note that says "I'm Bart Greenhut and I'm doing an IAmA on 02/11/2023," then send a message to the moderators.


begreen622 OP t1_j84vxor wrote

How's this? I set myself up as a product on (3rd product) Please advise so I can post the product photo again, thx


cadenhead t1_j84wdim wrote

Here's the proof he provided for the moderators:

That's a good price for a pack of entrepreneurs. How much is the shipping on 12 Barts?


begreen622 OP t1_j84zuka wrote

never more than $10. We only ship to the lower 48 states.


begreen622 OP t1_j851ewr wrote

I'll ship myself by railroad express for $8


begreen622 OP t1_j84yfd0 wrote

done: temporary 3rd product. Please excuse the look.


ediblebadger t1_j84mn30 wrote

There's never a bad time to start. Will you take the Giving What We Can pledge?


begreen622 OP t1_j84yahx wrote

At the moment I am focusing on juggling everything so employees can go to the bank to cash their checks. Please respect that there is a time and place for everything.


ediblebadger t1_j850vh4 wrote

GWWC is asking for 10% [a portion] of your personal income. It doesn’t impact your business costs. You can sign up to do recurring donations through Givewell in under 5 minutes. 10% is small enough that you won’t even notice it’s gone, probably. I don’t! If 10 is too much, why not 5%?

So what is the real blocker here, apart from that you don’t want to?

Edit: I received some feedback that this is too harsh. I’m sorry, Mr. Greenhut, it’s not appropriate of me to go to so far into questioning your financial situation. I struck through some portions that are not fair/unanbiguously true.


begreen622 OP t1_j8531a9 wrote

the real blocker is that my family, employees, creditors and bank balance are all in the mix. I donate responsibly.


ediblebadger t1_j85jnnr wrote

Your employees have nothing to do with it. I'm not suggesting you donate all of your money to a food bank and live in a hovel. I'm saying it's a basically decent thing to do to voluntary tithe a small but nonzero portion of your ongoing income. I think virtually anybody with any steady income is financially capable to pledge to donate 5-10%. Maybe I should take this to mean that you don't have income and/or are in debt. If so, I am sorry to hear that. However, if you have no income (or that income is otherwise not disposable), you don't have to donate anything and can still take the pledge!

Edit: I received some feedback that this is too harsh. I’m sorry, Mr. Greenhut, it’s not appropriate of me to go to so far into questioning your financial situation. I struck through some portions that are not fair/unambiguously true.


grnrngr t1_j877qc7 wrote

What an incredible pressure campaign to harangue someone to donate money.

Further, you must live in an isolated circle, removed from reality, to repeatedly assert "most people" can give 5-10% of their income without concern. "Most people" can't save 5-10% of their income for a rainy-day fund, let alone give away.

You're doing the good work pressuring this guy about his BS, but don't introduce your own into the convo.


ediblebadger t1_j87nbe0 wrote

You know what, you have a good point. It’s not really productive for me to focus so much on the particular percentage. The important part of ‘Giving what we can” here is “what we can,” and I think basically any nonzero percentage is great, and it’s a very personal decision and you’re right that needling people over numbers is bad.

But I don’t think you are right to say that most people are so financially insecure that they cannot give any money away at all. Actually, most Americans (typically something like 60%) do give to charity, and the bottom fifth in wealth donate the highest proportion of their wealth (about 4.5% iirc). In high-income countries a median income makes you somewhere among the richest 5% of people on Planet Earth. By their own admission, 90% of working Americans would sacrifice some income for more meaningful work. I really do actually think that most Americans can donate something, but if your point is that you think 5% of income is too high then then I’m willing to agree that maybe that isn’t right for everybody. Not to get to hung up on numbers, but I will concede that 5% is not “barely noticeable” for most people. But 1% probably is, and there are several “pledges” that use this instead.

I think it is more important to impress upon the affluent that they are not holding up their share and could be giving substantially more than they do than to give some blanket amount that even low-income folks should feel bad about not giving. Poor people are already doing more than rich people proportionally!

That was my purpose here, was to kind of break down the assumption of somebody who by their own commentary lives comfortably and simply doesn’t seem interested in charitable giving, using their employees as a dubious shield. If that came across as overzealous then I apologize to all. I went ahead and struck through some portions that upon further reflection I don’t feel good about standing behind.

At the same time, I would appreciate it if you (as in anybody reading) please do seriously consider signing the GWWC pledge.


WallStCRE t1_j849kku wrote

“End of the road” means you’re going out out of business? Sorry to hear. What’s next for you?


begreen622 OP t1_j84e8zd wrote

Posting on Indigogo to try to raise revenue


BrazenBull t1_j84dcx5 wrote

You made $2.5 million or spent that much?


begreen622 OP t1_j84jcga wrote

I've made many millions and I've invested many, many millions in our enterprise. What Judy and I "need" to live is not much, our kids are grown and on their own and we are not into showing off.


BonerTurds t1_j87ftq2 wrote

Did Judy go to a private Catholic school by chance?


surf_rider t1_j8bc77k wrote

Got ‘em. Poor Judy, his marriage appears to be 99% faithful.


Blibbobletto t1_j87k3tp wrote

So you're such a successful businessman that you lost millions of dollars and now have to beg online? You are the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect lol


inmy20ies t1_j844gzy wrote

What was the hardest thing about building up the company?


begreen622 OP t1_j84e0ld wrote

finance and making correct decisions. You need to be fearless and have conviction to find a solution for every problem


AladdinTheGenie t1_j8467mb wrote

If you could start over, what would you do differently?


begreen622 OP t1_j847iiv wrote

take the time to be more selective in hiring. My first bookkeeper stole $30k -caught him/went to jail but it was a crisis that we didn't need


BrazenBull t1_j84dboq wrote

You made $2.5 million or spent that much?


begreen622 OP t1_j84iyzq wrote

I've invested much more. I first began with less than $20k on my first product that received a great deal of acclaim. I built and expanded around that. Times are very different now. It is MUCH more difficult to bootstrap $20k into millions of dollars. My cookie project began with $800k net from the sale of our house. Unless you are in high technology I think it is very very very difficult to bootstrap a enterprise today. Shark Tank is NOT the way to go. The sharks end up controlling you and your original inspiration gets compromised for dollars. Creating wealth for the Sharks is what Shark Tank is about.


IAmAModBot t1_j84fpc0 wrote

Hello /u/begreen622,

There is not enough proof included in the post that connects your identity to the IAmA.

Unfortunately, the links or photos you've posted could have been posted by anyone, and they don't prove that you are the person doing the AMA. Your proof needs to be something that connects the fact that you're doing an AMA with your identity. This could be something like a photo of you in a work uniform or at a relevant location with a sign that has your username and the date. It could also be documents (partially redacted if desired) with a note that has your username and the date. We're happy for you to get creative with your proof as long as it makes it clear to a reasonable person that the person doing the AMA does meet the criteria laid out in the topic of the AMA.

If you can't think of a way to prove your claims publicly, you can also submit confidential proof to the moderators at this link, though bear in mind it may take some time to review.

Here's a link to the section of our wiki that discusses proof.

Please edit your post and add new proof, and reply here to let us know. If your post is more than a couple of hours old, it may be more effective to create a new post and include the proof from the start. Thanks!

If you'd like to appeal, please click here to send a message to the moderator team.

^(This comment was made by a bot, but a real live human reviewed the post and made the decision.)


[deleted] t1_j84e5k7 wrote



begreen622 OP t1_j84gnx2 wrote

We developed a cat litter box scoop that we didn't market because of the immense barriers to trade in the pet industry. I invested $25k in tooling and making a incredible video however in the industry you are dead without Petco and Petsmart. You will never survive with the independent stores. I still have the tooling and will introduce it down the line because it is a great safety and convenience item


cadenhead t1_j847l1n wrote

I grew up in Texas where Mexican vanilla had such a legendary reputation people going to Mexico were always asked to bring some back with them. How did you decide on using Madagascar vanilla for your cookies and what has it been like to obtain vanilla from that country?


freiheitfitness t1_j84aclw wrote

Because it is cheaper to buy vanilla from Madagascar.


cadenhead t1_j84gpa0 wrote

A cookie made from ingredients sourced only because they were cheapest probably wouldn't be very good.


freiheitfitness t1_j84inn2 wrote

And that is exactly why OP’s business failed. They lost 2 million dollars marketing a value product to a luxury consumer.

Marketing 101: set clear expectations.


cadenhead t1_j84ldmo wrote

If you think cookies don't have luxury customers, you must not have been to a Crumbl yet.


begreen622 OP t1_j84jh0u wrote

Madagascar vanilla is the most expensive by far.


sooprvylyn t1_j84b7gv wrote

Its also better tbh. Mexican vanilla is over-rated


begreen622 OP t1_j84fitg wrote

I researched vanilla and in the end it came down to the fact that I am willing to pay the price. I'm always researching to find the best and test it. (it can make a difference)


cadenhead t1_j84coce wrote

I read that your inspiration was how good Famous Amos cookies were when Wally Amos started the business at one location on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. How hard was it to reverse engineer a cookie similar to his original?


begreen622 OP t1_j84g3bo wrote

It actually wasn't too hard. His secret was serving his cookies fresh and still warm. Judy and I began baking at home and tested in Farmers Markets around L.A. We actually greatly improved his cookie by employing butter and higher quality chocolate chips. Judy and I tested for weeks and weeks and found that the real "truth" of a chocolate chip cookie is discovered about 36 hours after baking.


VaguelyArtistic t1_j84guwz wrote

Ha! I remember that Famous Amos. Is it's still there?


cadenhead t1_j84ls9j wrote

It's a Brazilian restaurant Bossa Nova at 7181 Sunset Blvd. that kept the triangle roof.


begreen622 OP t1_j84qga1 wrote

He is in Hawaii last I heard. Living on Social Security. A good human, not a good businessman.


CentralHarlem t1_j8472g5 wrote

Why would you bet your net worth on your success in a market with no barriers to competition?


begreen622 OP t1_j84q8w1 wrote

I have good intuition; can spot opportunity, develop great niche products to fulfill a perceived need that I feel I can handle. It's been a long road, many great experiences. What we are experiencing is a temporary setback. We have love and I have no regrets.


RadioRoyale t1_j84987e wrote

Did you feel a calling from God or something similar?


begreen622 OP t1_j84hqyl wrote

I believe in kavanna -the power of intention and and good will. I try to follow my inspiration and it may not a "solid" way to proceed but I have good instincts and sense and it's always led me will. I definitely believe in God -you can never fool God
