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AlternativeSign272 OP t1_j8ezeyy wrote

I dunno, honestly. My body is wack, I have rarer medical conditions than this haha


russellvt t1_j8f1hef wrote

> I have rarer medical conditions than this haha

Thats pretty scary, as there are supposedly only 50 to 100 documented cases of aquagenic urticaria (sources vary slightly, but the number is incredibly low).


RagingAardvark t1_j8f99ix wrote

I had a similar reaction to water when I was younger, and we never pursued medical care for it because it was relatively minor, just an annoyance. I'm sure there are many more like me.


AlternativeSign272 OP t1_j8fcjy2 wrote

Doctors told me I was the 51st documented in the US. They also suspect that there may be more that just don’t know, or may be less that have been misdiagnosed (i.e. like it’s actually temperature urticaria)