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Cyborg_Saskia t1_j8r08xi wrote


themacmeister t1_j8r1ryb wrote

"These parts are either Exiles (the most vulnerable, wounded parts of us which carry the deepest inner pain) or Protectors (which can be further identified as Managers or Firefighters."


"IFS synthesizes the more traditional scientific psychological approach with a shamanic approach". I would never see a SHAMAN in preference to a psycologist/psychiatrist, ESPECIALLY IF THAT SHAMAN IS MYSELF!!!

Also worried about the fervour with which this is being pushed...

Before long, you too will be OT8 (Operating Thetan Level 8)

"Sidenote: Are you aware that many IFS therapists work online?"

You don't say!!!


LucilleAaronWayne OP t1_j8rdwxi wrote

I support being on the lookout for scientology, u/themacmeister! 👏 I think any group can become cult-like, and IFS is no exception - especially, as you say, with the fervor it can arouse. I've noticed, for example, that the admiration for the founder, Dick Schwartz, can veer into reverence. I emphasize respect, not reverence - for the founder and for the model itself.

Thanks for looking out for unhealthy dynamics - the world, and IFS, needs that critical eye.