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EdSourceToday OP t1_j9l78zi wrote

Schools do their own assessments of early literacy. Ask your teacher. But many parents simply assess at home by listening to their child read and going with your gut. Are they looking for clues in the picture? Do they understand what they are reading? You know your child better than anyone.


BillC318 t1_j9lcwvk wrote

We need these assessments for accountability purposes as well as individual student diagnostic purposes as well.


No-Idea-2748 t1_j9lr13l wrote

Bill you can also go to a reading interventionist and have you child tested. This will come out of your pocket but often the school district has a conflict of interest because if they assess an issue they are obliged to support it. Get an independent assessment and they will walk you through areas of strength and weakness.


BillC318 t1_j9ly83f wrote

Great idea. Parents also need to see regular monitoring data too!