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theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja3goat wrote

Kyle here - thanks for the question. I was 100% in support of withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was clear, probably around 2011, that US nation building had failed. I think Biden should be applauded for pulling out of Afghanistan, but withdrawal should have been conducted from the more defensible Bagram Airfield as opposed to HKIA. I find it despicable that the leaders in charge of conducting the withdrawal are still in charge despite the loss of life and clusterfuck that was the withdrawal.

As for saying the war is your only life experience, I’m sure it wasn’t and it wasn’t ours, either. If you’re accusing us of profiting from it, I can assure you we make no money doing this and it only costs us money with server space and recording software. There are no ads for square space or blue apron. For sure I made more money in the war after I got out, but only for a short time until I became a sort of hippie and near-pacifist. Went back to school and work in a totally unrelated career field. We do this as a way to stay in touch and bring on experts to talk about a topic that doesn’t get a lot of play in the mainstream news cycle. Kind of amateur-hobbyist journalism and history. As for hobbies, I like to fly fish, write, play video games, mandolin, practice jiu jitsu badly, and read. I can assure you I don’t identify very strongly or at all with the vet bro community which is often obnoxious. Take care, man.


Jeff-FaFa t1_ja5rwth wrote

>There are no ads for square space or blue apron.

This got me good😂. Also don't forget BetterHelp. And DraftKings. And Liquid IV.

I hate to love podcasts.


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja5sivy wrote

It costs us $366 a year to make this podcast. So if BlueApron wants to send us $366 dollars we won't stop them from hocking their overpriced meal kit business. (What the fuck even is Square Space)


Jeff-FaFa t1_ja5uqfw wrote

>(What the fuck even is Square Space)

It's a very nice website used to make very shitty websites.


rab777hp t1_ja67ghd wrote

How exactly were people supposed to get to Bagram from Kabul?


hangarang t1_ja6bov5 wrote

The “should’ve been bagram” response is common from folks that never had to secure anything larger than a fighting position. HKIA kissed the Green Zone where every embassy was located. No other location could’ve been secured with the force presence in country.


rab777hp t1_ja6ciaz wrote

It's common from anyone who just wants to act like they could have done better.


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja7ckle wrote

I don't say this to be flippant, but how was everyone supposed to get to Kabul from every corner of the country? Had those in charge accepted the reality following Doha Agreement, things are different. Instead, they sat on their hands and did nothing and we were left with August 2021.


rab777hp t1_ja8cezi wrote

The people being evacuated were Western aligned elites in Kabul. How many people got out from around the country?

You think you're so smart from your smug perch, in reality, the war was lost 20 years ago.