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theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja4tke3 wrote

Zach - My parents both retired from the Army and tried to steer me away from joining. After pissing away an academic scholarship, I went to the recruiter. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do but I knew I wasn't ready to continue trying to be a student. I took the ASVAB, scored really high, and joined. I don't know if I had a choice but to support the military when I joined, considering its impact on my upbringing. It's safe to say I certainly became disillusioned by the time I got out, but not necessarily with the military, but rather with senior leaders and policymakers.


Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja5gu94 wrote

Kyle - Cherry Garcia is the best ice cream, but chocolate chip cookie dough is second.