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bitesized-planetoid t1_ja51afe wrote

European here. Thanks to the unnecessary mess the U.S. has created (Bin Laden did not even hide in Afghanistan) has lead to all kinds of turmoil in the region including hundreds of thousands of young male Afghans flee to Western Europe seeking for Asylum in the last 10 years. Some of them are criminal, unfortunately in relative numbers Afghans are most likely to commit a crime among all nationalities of immigrants. (at least in my county)

Now that you bailed and Taliban has taken over, the new Taliban Gov. Won't take rejected Asylum Seekers as well as criminals back and the European high Court has even decided that it is inhumane to send anyone back to Afghanistan and now everyone stays.

So you pretty much screwed us here. What should we do with them now? can you pick them up maybe?

Btw: thanks for having our back against putin. (I hope you will)


CheesingTiger t1_ja51m91 wrote

Not the AMA guy but this wasn’t done by them. Those decisions are made far, far above the level anyone of these guys worked at.


bitesized-planetoid t1_ja52mg5 wrote

Well George W. isn't doing an AMA so kind of hard to ask him?


sharabi_bandar t1_ja59khh wrote

Watch the movie W. It will show you why and how the war happened. Rice and Rumsfeld were running the show.


thebolts t1_ja7trjg wrote

Was Rice or Rumsfeld charged for their illegal war or crimes against humanity?


ubernoobnth t1_ja83rnm wrote

No because they made people rich in the process.


thebolts t1_ja85zwd wrote

You can say the same for Putin and his oligarchy


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja52sl9 wrote

  1. Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and then fled to Pakistan.
  2. I don't know what you should do with rejected Afghan asylum seekers. I couldn't tell you the first thing about your country's laws.

theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja5f0aw wrote

Kyle - Hey European! Sorry for the refugees, but I can’t speak for why the EU continues to accept them. Afghans have been a refuge seeking people since prior to the Russian invasion, so there has always been an Afghan refugee issue. I think the US is obligated to help those afghans who helped us and the other NATO countries during the war effort by providing safety, housing and some job opportunities. But, as you know especially in Europe, those things are sadly hard to find anywhere even by native citizens of the west. Don’t think it’ll get better. Much of the world has been destabilized and people, either to escape war or as opportunists, will use whatever loophole they can to reach the glorious welfare states of the west one way or another. As for whether it is our fault? Yes, I believe a lot of it is the US’ fault. I’m sure it’s nice to live in Europe, though where there is no history of meddling in the affairs of poor countries.


Jeff-FaFa t1_ja5tflj wrote

>though where there is no history of meddling in the affairs of poor countries.

Y'all just got yaselves a new fan.