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CheesingTiger t1_ja51u48 wrote

Hey fellas, I was a sigint guy that worked with taac south quite a bit, now in the cyber world. Do you think the intel community as a whole is losing the race when it comes to attracting talent? What do you think the ramifications could be of a “lesser” IC? Looking at all of you and myself, contracting pays okay but once you have a truly marketable skill, your earning potential explodes and the government just doesn’t match that.


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja54n5t wrote

Zach - It seems the military as a whole is losing the race to attract good talent. I got paid about 5x more to do my job as a contractor than I did as a soldier. Why stick around when I know where the payday is? Furthermore, I now work in a completely different field in the civilian world. There are overlaps to my time as an analyst but I did not get my job because I was an analyst. I got my job because I had experience leading people from my days as a squad leader. That's becoming more common, at least among my friends. The military, specifically the Army, is starting to learn you can't treat soldiers like shit for $35,000 a year and expect them to stick around. If not for contracts, the situation would probably be worse.


theboardwalkpodcast OP t1_ja5e1tz wrote

Kyle - That’s a good point, but for many who want to get into the Intel field the military is the only way they can. And it’s weird to think of Intel being privatized considering, outside of corporate espionage, intelligence is in service of the state and I think it’s strange any of it is contracted out to private entities. True intelligence is conducted by the guys on the ground, often local nationals, who risk life and limb to tell us things for either patriotism or the USD. The “analysts” are just bureaucrats with a job title that sounds cool to people who don’t know and the roles in the Intel agencies are better suited to Mormon types who are squeaky clean and idealistic and believe in the cause. Because I never believed in the “cause” I’m not a very safe asset for the state to keep around. I work in a totally unrelated field now.


CheesingTiger t1_ja5etca wrote

That’s true. I don’t work in that field either. I was just curious hahah.

Y’all have a good one, can’t wait to check out the next episode