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PykeAbuser t1_iqsniyt wrote


charrcheese t1_iqsnurf wrote

Probably if you don’t support their business practices, or have something against Bezos. Or it just might be cheaper somewhere else.


warbeforepeace t1_iqu180u wrote

But he hosted the website on aws


greentiger45 t1_iquqmsj wrote

Bezos isn’t involved with Amazon. There’s a new ceo for a couple years now.


ViralRiver t1_iquvhaa wrote

He is literally the executive chairman of Amazon.


charrcheese t1_iqvrzsj wrote

And everyone on the planet associates him with the company.


WolfeReader t1_iqtfayb wrote

DRM and non-standard ebook formats, in order to lock Kindle buyers into their ecosystem. I've been boycotting Amazon since 2010 for this reason.

(Obviously users with sufficient technical skills and a cavalier attitude toward ToS can get around this. I don't think this is accurate for a lot of customers though.)


Deathbrush t1_iqtsi79 wrote

There are open source ebook managers that are built to edit ebooks/convert between formats. Many of them have sketchy plugins that will strip DRM from various kinds of DRM protected ebooks


Appoxo t1_iqv29lb wrote

Bought a paperwhite and 90% of my calibre is pirated, 5% are impossible-to-find ebooks from amazon and the other 5% is DRM free ebooks from Osiander and other domestic shops.


ElisabetSobeck t1_iqsw3v6 wrote

Drivers pee in bottles and poop in bags to stay on time. The warehouse workers work schedules that hurt organs and tendons, and are close to wearing diapers like meat packers need to. I have a friend that got hurt working the less strenuous jobs at a warehouse.

Warehouse workers sometimes die packing the boxes as fast as they do. Then managers force workers to work next to the corpse for hours or be fired. They have mental health booths or “suicide booths” people jokingly call them, where you can sit inside and cry or clam down if you need to.

Edit: Deaths, most of which management ignored until a worker found the body and called 911

The workers who died after being forced to work in the path of a tornado


Optimistic__Elephant t1_iquh8eb wrote

> Warehouse workers sometimes die packing the boxes as fast as they do. Then managers force workers to work next to the corpse for hours or be fired.

Got a citation for that? As much as I dislike Amazon, that’s a bit tough to believe.


ElisabetSobeck t1_iqx10tq wrote

Please also note that management KNOWS if a worker is not scanning packages, or spending too long in the bathroom, and will ping their mobile device until they get back on track. People have reported that a manager will physically visit you within 3 minutes if you’re delayed. They could see these bodies on their surveillance system for 20-30 minutes. And they saw these bodies AND DID NOT CALL FOR PARAMEDICS.

I also didn’t mention the warehouse workers threatened with termination if they didn’t work in the path of a TORNADO. Warehouse workers who are now dead because of said tornado (prompting an investigation by the House).

“Bit tough to believe” yeah sure. You dislike Amazon and haven’t heard of these deaths. That’s easy to believe


realnikkipotnick t1_iqtbk5m wrote

they aren’t slaves, they can quit


fungusfunions t1_iqu4mpt wrote

True on the face, unfortunately some people can’t afford to lose their jobs. A young family member worked there and was quite unhappy in the warehouse job he had, but kept it because this was the closest thing to a living wage an unskilled worker like him could get.


[deleted] t1_iqwdhl0 wrote



ElisabetSobeck t1_iqx1mtr wrote

Why would Amazon spend money and time training someone so they can leave


[deleted] t1_iqy7mc7 wrote



ElisabetSobeck t1_iqz8w73 wrote

Nice super-specific Amazon benefits ad my guy. Totally not sketchy at all

I’m sure you can take them up on that benefits offer after 50-60 hours of warehouse work. Or 50-60 hours of peeing in bottles and pooping in bags. Learn to code after getting those crumbs.

These workers are being abused. My friend was abused. And people like you are so weak they can’t even fathom that something is wrong


[deleted] t1_iqzdo3y wrote



ElisabetSobeck t1_iqzgpcw wrote

You just defended Amazon for like 5 hours my guy. After I explicitly said my friend was injured working for them. Get out of my face


jandkas t1_iqta89n wrote

So time to stop buying everything right? Have you ever had beef? Or plastic? Honestly no consumption under capitalism is ethical, so virtue signaling like this is useless


louis_etal t1_iqtcdot wrote

One of the most useless of all philosophical outlooks is to make imperfections of any kind the enemy of any improvements. Things are not perfect and never will be but that does make any attempt at betterment pointless.


Lampshader t1_iqti1d6 wrote

Nothing is ethical so you might as well just go around brutally murdering everyone right?

Oh no, wait, it turns out there are degrees of things. What a concept.


PineJew t1_iqsxof7 wrote

Because Jeff Bezos can suck my large phallic member personally if he wants me to shop using Amazon


Sarfbot t1_iqx3ikk wrote

Honestly 8/10 points are BS and show a deep level of ignorance. Journalism has gone to shit.

-Ordering from Amazon is BY FAR the most environmentally favorable way of engaging in consumer retail. Each truck on the road replaces 35+ cars. Amazon also has the most aggressive carbon neutral target out of any retailer.

-Treatment of workers getting worse? Tons of threads in the actual Amazon FC Reddit page comparing work at Amazon vs other warehouses. They are overwhelmingly positive. Yes, lots of posts asking for more $ (latest wave is asking for $30/hour for sort and pick). FYI Average starting pay is now $18.50/hour. How does Amazons compensation compare with similar work?


DrBRSK t1_iqt61c9 wrote

Brandon Sanderson talked quite a bit about this on his YouTube channel a few weeks ago.


Igotthedueceduece t1_iqt3l6g wrote

All downvotes, smells like r/conservative in here. Why don’t people just tell you why you don’t want to buy from Amazon instead of downvoting lol. Bunch of losers


lurrrkerrr t1_iqt6mn1 wrote

Having never visited /r/Conservative, what is the connection? Downvoting without answering? Hating Amazon?


Igotthedueceduece t1_iqt7ejp wrote

I’ve had all my accounts banned from /r/conservative for simply politely asking two times why something is disliked or why they believe something, and I was genuinely curious for a response.

so downvoting without answering is the connection, except there it’s a permaban for simply questioning anything


Fearless_Locality t1_iqte1bz wrote

Reddit hates rich people and corporations

And they read headlines and don't realise Amazon is a large business so there are good places to work and bad places to work.

Literally the reason.


ContemplatingFolly t1_iqtnvlc wrote

Of course there is some variation among locations. But here are some reasons to boycott. not for you necessarily but just for anyone reading the thread:

  1. I try not to patronize any really huge corporations. They stifle competition, and have too much power and influence on national and international policies, as well as over their independent sellers and subcontractors.

  2. Their labor policies creep me out, and don't vary that much given all of the automation of every process in the warehouses.

  3. Jeff Bezos has enough money.

Instead I try to patronize a local business, or go direct to the manufacturer.


Inventiveunicorn t1_iqsrrtb wrote

Welcome to Reddit where spotty little wankers downvote you for asking a question.


everybodypretend t1_iqst26l wrote

assimilate! Opinion not recognised! Administer down votes!


Inventiveunicorn t1_iquuafi wrote

They are hilarious. It's like Pavlov's dogs, so easy to predict.
Downvote away my little acne-besieged, angry, man-children, your worst. It makes me smile.


everybodypretend t1_iquz2d5 wrote

It’s not their fault. Their brains have been smoothed out by too much reddit use.

In real life there exists this space between right and wrong called discourse.

But that’s too much effort here, there’s no space between up ⬆️ and down ⬇️

The comments under this will be dismissive or non existent
