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Terkala t1_ir35zmh wrote

Sites like this get shared among super liberal places like reddit. But can you imagine grandmothers on Facebook using it? No.

So you get skewed distributions of things. It only represents those people that take the survey, and by the nature of the site those people will all strongly think the same.

Also the questions aren't useful. Should abortion be legal? Simply a yes/no doesn't give any meaningful information. The debate is basically down to 'if it should be legal, when should it be legal'. The current left wing stance is that it should be legal up to 1second before labor happens. The right wing stance is 'sometimes legal, often before heartbeat'.

But according to that poll site everyone supports abortion.


DastardlyBoosh t1_ir38pst wrote

>The debate is basically down to 'if it should be legal, when should it be legal'. The current left wing stance is that it should be legal up to 1second before labor happens. The right wing stance is 'sometimes legal, often before heartbeat'.

Lol what absolute horseshit of a take, nonsequitur to boot. 🤡🤡

Edit : surprise surprise they're also a bigot


Terkala t1_ir3lk0j wrote

That's... the actual legislation the Democrats tried to pass (H.R. 8296), compared to the actual legislation as passed in 80% of the American Midwest states.

If that wasn't the party stance, why would they write and vote for a bill that contains it?

Edit: As you've blocked me, and I see a automod deleted comment beneath this one, I don't think anyone saw your response. But I assume you're pivoting to personal attacks rather than discussing the facts, because the facts are not on your side.
