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Calculonx t1_ir36bwy wrote

Not supposed to be scientific (I think), I see it more like Wii everybody votes channel where you can just vote for fun and see what other people think.

Maybe would be interesting if users had basic demographics linked to their votes to see how it skews.


bowelcrusher OP t1_ir3epwo wrote

I did add some voluntary demographics :) Every design choice ends up being a tradeoff between getting useful info and asking for too much personal info


reddituser4202 t1_ir3nvhm wrote

It’s a cool website honestly, I enjoy the concept a lot. Obviously I’m forced to view the results through the lens of “this is what people on reddit think” but it was cool to see a bit of variation regardless. I think you could take it to the next level by importing a much larger dataset of responses to similar questions and using that as a baseline. Then, the user can answer the questions and look at the demographics to see how they compare, but without actually incorporating their response unless it is desired. If they want their response recorded, just overlay that onto the baseline (which would let you keep the data separate if you also wanted to include a feature that compares responses directly from the website to those of more traditional polling methods). This way you don’t have to collect personal information for somebody to view the results, but they have the option to willfully hand it over.

But of course, that would be a giant time commitment to implement. Visualizing demographics is a very important concept though


bajo2292 t1_ir4k9gl wrote

I''d go just by 3 basic clicks / drop downs.... gender, age, state / country.


bowelcrusher OP t1_ir7zu3c wrote

Thanks for the suggestion. State/country adds a big chunk of complexity to the code!


bajo2292 t1_ir8w0ah wrote

I mean if you go for education as well, more power to you :)