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AndrewZabar t1_ir3qlba wrote

It tells us no valuable information. Also it’s only about the same bullshit political “issues” which should not even be issues. These have mostly been addressed and dealt with in most democratic developed countries, but of course America is still fucking arguing about these things so they don’t pay any attention to the fact that the government, our laws and policies have all been bought and owned by the richest. And also that 99.99% of our entire wealth is in the pockets of like 11 people.

Yeah let’s argue about abortion and guns some more.


bowelcrusher OP t1_ir80qsi wrote

I'm over in Australia but I can't believe what I'm seeing coming out of US. This website was heavily inspired by the Roe v Wade decision - I want to see how many people are actually happy with that outlandish outcome.


AndrewZabar t1_ir8992o wrote

Very very very few.

The media pumps up quite a lot the idea that the extreme right is supported by a significant portion of our citizens, when it’s really just the ultra rich and the evangelicals trying to do anything to oppress. And people think it’s more than that because they think that lots of people support it. Truth is very very very few do. But the people in power are on a mission to turn us back hundreds of years and have the royalty and peasants kind of society.