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Eluvatar_the_second t1_ir40zyh wrote

Not sure what's so interactive about this, maybe it's because I'm on mobile but couldn't this have just been done with pictures?


itjy t1_ir4el2h wrote

You can click a link, very interactive!


DamagedFreight t1_ir42fiq wrote

I thought the same thing too. I think it’s purposely a tiny bit more difficult to glance at so you feel like you have to read it before going back to see the next one.

I think it does work but meh.


trekhleb OP t1_ir4ve77 wrote

Yes, that's true that going back and forth not always convenient. I was trying to find this balance between "Staying focused on one principle at a time" and "Having all info be easily accessible at glance". Probably I didn't find the perfect balance yet :D

But, there is also the extensibility aspect. With the current approach, I may add more details to each letter in the future while keeping the entry page still readable. Technically it is possible to even add more nested sub-sketches to each letter if needed


i_got_skrimps t1_ir5axyw wrote

I like it. I think people are getting hung up on interpretation and semantics here. It's a great site.


29979245T t1_ir4f3y2 wrote

It might be referring to the fact that the pictures are made in some kind of cute drawing engine that records every shape and penstrokes and allows them to be manipulated in a pretty intuitive way. So you could easily redraw part of one if you thought it was a bad explanation, for example...except they're locked in readonly mode and I don't even see a way to make a copy to play with.


trekhleb OP t1_ir4vocd wrote

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, currently the Showcase examples are served in a read-only mode. But this is a good idea to have the possibility to clone the current showcase and play with it locally in the browser. I've added it to the roadmap


trekhleb OP t1_ir4uskq wrote

Yeah, the interactivity is pretty minimal, but it is still there in form of "Click to go deeper to the nested image with further details".

You're also right that all illustrations could be put on one page. But with the current approach, there is a possibility to add more details to the nested pages (to each S O L I D letter separately) without making the entry page bulky.
