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TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_ir5bvia wrote

Ah yes uncle Bob a guy who has not done any software development in decades is the perfect person to listen to.


jobe_br t1_ir5ssti wrote

I’m not gonna defend Uncle Bob, but I’d advise against attacking his technical mettle, personally.


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_ir7227x wrote

It’s less his technical ability that I question, it’s his advice for designing maintainable code bases. How can someone who has not worked on large code bases or large teams have the experience of trail and error know how well his methods work in practice. It’s like if a person wrote a book on commanding an aircraft carrier yet has no experience in the navy.


jobe_br t1_ir7jihx wrote

Tell me you don’t know his work history without telling me you don’t …

Once you’ve written as much code as he has, check back.