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IrishFlukey t1_iu1wypb wrote

I could name them all, but there is no point, seeing as they already have names.


currently-on-toilet t1_iu2c0oc wrote

I got 177 by thinking of college and pro sports teams and the cities of states I've lived in. What a fun little game!

I got 9/10 biggest cities but have no earthly clue what the remaining one might be.


Atillion t1_iu1xqx0 wrote

This is really cool! I did a pretty city job, but it was still fun :)


88mph_pfr t1_iu220ox wrote

Got to 100. Named 9 out of 10 cities over 1 million and just under 20% of the urban population.


MacNcheezdicks t1_iu6odoz wrote

this is where i stopped as well. My problem was more with spelling some of the weird ones. Wakeushasha? Albequequereqreee? I was even struggling on Minneapolis for a bit.. lol. If i cheated on spelling or spent more time I could have gone on for hours. Cool site tho.


Dr_Beardface_MD t1_iu2eci3 wrote

I got all the top 10 and was 3 short of the top 37. Also got a number of rare ones for remembering the fictional birthplaces of tv characters (like Radar from MASH was from Ottumwa, Iowa)

Blanked on anything from Nebraska, South Carolina, and New Hampshire. Guess I’ll have to turn in my geography nerd badge.


dam_iguess t1_iu2ptj8 wrote

  1. Had to dig deep to think of dad’s old stories, geography class, and random signs I’ve seen along the interstate in my lifetime. Also had to neglect 30 mins worth of responsibilities lol

AnythingTotal OP t1_iu2ygy1 wrote

Pretty much exactly my experience. Major cities that I know, then state capitals and sports towns I could remember, then small towns around places I’ve lived and interstate signs. All while procrastinating


Real_nimr0d t1_iu1z5hu wrote

51 for now, i'm sure I could name a lot more if I take my time and try to remember.


Mister_Brevity t1_iu305ee wrote

Washington. Boom, 88 cities with one name.


ElZanco t1_iu4te7k wrote

Don't forget Mount Vernon. Or Springfield.


HawkinsT t1_iu8p642 wrote


England, Wales, Scotland, Italy, Greece, Poland, Crete, Russia...

London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Brighton, Bristol, Bath, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Swansea, York...

Paris, Rome, Berlin, Amsterdam, Prague, Madrid, Stockholm, Lisbon...

New London, New Paris, New Berlin, New Athens, New Amsterdam, New Prague, New Madrid, New Lisbon...

Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy...

It feels like I misunderstood the assignment, but 41 cities, 0.19% of the population, 0 capitals, 0 of 339 cities over 100,000. I'd debate this game's definition of city though. New Amsterdam has 12 residents.


ChipMunkley t1_iu9cb0i wrote

I typed in cities from around the world and surprisingly many of them popped up. There's a Berlin in Connecticut, London in Ohio, Warsaw in Indiana, and even Moscow in Idaho.


halbesbrot t1_iu5y4ee wrote

26 - as a European, I count that as "eh, not as bad as I thought but still kinda embarrassing"


braaibros t1_iu6gjm7 wrote

Got 73 cities, was surprised to find out the town I live in is considered a 0.1% rare.


clevariant t1_iu5wg9x wrote

They got Boise but not Portland?