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shackles_of_capital t1_iucm391 wrote

It's nothing to do with tracking - that part's actually very quick.

The sluggishness comes from the use of tons of JS, and huge DOM trees.

The JS is there to make the site interactive. Do you want the entire page to reload whenever you post a comment? No? Then you need some JS to make a post request to the server, add the comment to a database, get back an all ok response, and then retrieve that comment to show it to you. Sites with more interactivity will be slower to load, in general.

But that can be mitigated by making the site an SPA, which means a heavier first load, but the entire rest of the time you spend on the site (on the same browser tab), you won't have to load a full new page whenever you go to another part of the site. The JS will reconfigure the page for you. Has many other benefits as well, like making authoring huge, extremely complicated sites a lot easier, faster, and easier to debug.

Users don't temd to have the first clue what goes into making a website. In 2022 web dev is crazily complex, the requirements are just so much higher than they were 20 years ago.


IllyrioMoParties t1_iucrg6t wrote

Ironically, loading this page strained my CPU so much I had to restart. I assume you inserted secret browser-killing code into your comment? Well played.

Anyway, my point is that just because it's complicated doesn't mean it's not stupid. You've got a bunch of people telling you they don't care for all the modern fancy shit, they just want websites to load fast and convey information. The response of a professional computer programmer - I'm guessing - shouldn't be, "Silence, peasant, the features you didn't ask for are straining our brains!"

Like, who really cares if you have to refresh a page to see new comments? You still have to do that here (except with your own comments), you still have to do that on 4chan, and these are some of the most popular sites on the internet.

Also, I don't know much about programming but I bet most of the code on any website is trying to unfuck something caused by previous untalented programmers. I'm glad Elon is feeding them all to his tigers


LudwigTheAccursed_ t1_iueb5dw wrote

Yeah i just want more sites to be like this one. You can keep all the excuses why it can’t because it can. Some sites need to be dynamic of course but many more could be simple like this one.

I wasn’t referring to u making excuses btw-