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brickyardjimmy t1_iu9dzbj wrote

Back when the internet was the Hobbit shire.


crush2920 t1_iu9ff91 wrote

I love it, and looks good on mobile too!


ccaccus t1_iu9fo6d wrote

The one nice thing about every site basically looking like that was everyone who had used a graphical word processor could think, "I could make that!"

Now, I offer my fifth graders the chance to make a website for a project and they all feel like it's inferior.


-REDDIT-USERNAME- t1_iu9hjx7 wrote

It's stupid how much I miss this era of the world wide web. Everything was fun and new.


Keatzuu t1_iu9intu wrote

This could really use a no-right-click script.


IllyrioMoParties t1_iu9k078 wrote

>filled with animations and pictures
>still loads faster than reddit
how did they do it


Sinicalkush t1_iu9mdyn wrote

No Monster Squad??? This list is ruined.


ccaccus t1_iu9psar wrote

Nope. 5th grade Reading/Language Arts.

After some of the books we read, students can choose from a bunch of different projects from regular book reports or dioramas to making video games, websites, and movies.

I mean, I'm more experienced with tech than some other teachers. I've made some websites with HTML/CSS/PHP/SQL, coded a few things with C++ and JavaScript, dabbled in Unity, and have a Twitch, so I can help my students a lot and am comfortable offering those projects as options.


LudwigTheAccursed_ t1_iu9pwo1 wrote

Damn nice job! Looks incredible on mobile too. Wasn’t reallya thing back then. Great work.


panspal t1_iu9sdt6 wrote

I wanted to check it out but that spooky skeleton music scared me off. I'll try later when I'm feeling more brave.


OceanSlim t1_iu9vwg9 wrote

Made with vscode html 5. Love to see it


soursourkarma t1_iu9vy4v wrote

They should join a webring to get more visitors


djd1985 t1_iu9xmd7 wrote

🥲 it’s beautiful


NewLeaseOnLine t1_iu9yl9h wrote

Is the terrible English part of the Halloween theme?


possibleprophet t1_iu9yx5p wrote

Need more of this kind of thing. Then they can make a webring.


Asyncrosaurus t1_iua1b1i wrote

>how did they do it

Well text and low-res images are very quick to load. They may or may not even be using a database, meaning the loadtime could be entirely on transmission.

Then look at reddits infrastructure. It's a large system with many active componets being engaged with each pageload, built to scale to millions of active users, not for a single pageload score. For such a simple site ("new" Reddits bloated front-end monstrosity notwithstanding), Reddit is deceptively complex behind the scenes.


MuffinMatrix t1_iua26oa wrote

Best part of this... it loads instantly. Not even can do that


victorsueiro t1_iua877k wrote

This is wonderful, I made almost the same thing but with Bootstrap and Nic Cage movies


and123w t1_iua8f44 wrote

Damn, this just hit me right in the feels.


wharsmetoothpicson t1_iua8lfa wrote

My friends and I made a stupid geocities site that had no purpose other than to make each other laugh. It was the most random collection of stuff but hanging around in the forums was one of the most fun times ever. Miss the optimism of that early internet.


bsylent t1_iuabkyy wrote

Wow, I'm having legitimate flashbacks to the first websites I crafted for no reason whatsoever back in the 90s. Also, excellent list!


simplethingsoflife t1_iuacfcp wrote

Sorry, but that table needs to be a fixed width html table that looks terrible on mobile for this to be believable.


PRSArchon t1_iuadrn8 wrote

“The Others” on maybe? That movie is the shit


LaserZeppelin t1_iuae8rd wrote

Oh man this reminds me of the Halloween does we would visit in 3rd grade computer class.


fsociety091786 t1_iuaeead wrote

People will say you’re being too nostalgic but I too pine for the days when the internet was an amazing invention with unlimited possibilities instead of a lingering threat to democracy, and young middle class people had a good life and hope for the future.


rgthree OP t1_iuagxyn wrote

It’s a custom Python CLI that scrapes movie data and generates a static JSON file with the data. Then another Python file that generates all the static HTML files. Some GIFs, CSS, and JS for interactivity. All static and hosted off an old MacBook behind Cloudflare CDN for fast delivery.


paintedweirdo t1_iuaimvj wrote

I'm a sucker for this kind of thing. So much nostalgia for the little moment in time. I made my own little cruddy page and had music on it. I miss this time period but then again I had dial up and was a super soft cringy teen. Oh fuck it I love it.


OJTang t1_iual8e7 wrote

Needs a mobile version


MC_Fap_Commander t1_iuandf2 wrote

That's certainly true, but the arrival of real world divisions also hurt the online space.

At that time, the internet was the tribe. Certainly some exceptions, but there was a general sense of commonality online back then. We were all still sort of the weirdos who made the place go.

As the internet became a widely used corporate mass media space, it seemed to lead to the hostility, acrimony, and division we see in the "real world." I wonder sometimes if the need for market segmentation was pushed online for purposes of creating advertising demographics.


MC_Fap_Commander t1_iuao1ru wrote

The collective sigh from the world as we appeared to move away from the threat of nuclear annihilation to the chance of a cooperative global system was pretty dope.

Autumn of 2001 to the headlines of today pretty much took away that delusion.


Danonbass86 t1_iuarkot wrote

Shit man… I made a fan page for Mega Man on geocities when I was like 9 just because I COULD. So many memories 🥹


jperezny t1_iuau6x1 wrote

When I was teaching HTML classes back in the day... this was the crap that the cool, smart kids in class would come up with. When I gave them an A+ they would party like it was 1999!


jlanger23 t1_iuauamp wrote

Probably a kid. My students tend to think reddit is a teen thing and seem surprised that I have it. I've been on reddit since they were little kids ha.


NedThomas t1_iuaugue wrote

Website didn’t take 10+ minutes to load and I experienced 0 seizures. Immersion ruined.


deathlydope t1_iuav8yn wrote

> As the internet became a widely used corporate mass media space, it seemed to lead to the hostility, acrimony, and division we see in the "real world." I wonder sometimes if the need for market segmentation was pushed online for purposes of creating advertising demographics.

Maybe, but it's just as likely an inherent side-effect of the increase in population online.


MC_Fap_Commander t1_iuaw581 wrote

It probably makes sense. Early internet was not user friendly or cheap so I think there was a bit of a selection bias in who used it. When online access was made as easy as tapping a phone button, a very different sort of population arrived online. They brought their identity biases with them. For a lot of us in the 90's, the internet was our identity.


newtbob t1_iuawl1z wrote

Tsk. Forgot the "Under Construction" sign with the stick figure shovel guy.


rgthree OP t1_iuazdwe wrote

Ah, I used a classic 88x31 “caution under construction” banner next to the “works best on browsers” and “best viewed with hi-colors” banners.


Clarrisani t1_iub2euk wrote

It needs one of those little things that follow the cursor around.


imredheaded t1_iub7joz wrote

I'd say early 2000's. In the 90's that 211KB site would've taken like 30 seconds to load

/end stupid nitpick


furrycodertrash t1_iub88jc wrote

Please tell me this uses tables. I want to believe…


ditthrowaway999 t1_iubgq14 wrote

Yep, my first thought was noticing how lightning fast this page loaded. I am being 100% truthful when I say I actually, truly, unironically prefer this older "uglier" style of web design over the slick-looking but disgustingly bloated sites of today.


Ripcord t1_iubisjo wrote

And all of them have "welcome to my homepage!" And "don't forget to sign my guestbook!". And I bet a few have "have you considered changing long distance carriers to MCI?"


Pkittens t1_iubjwyh wrote

Were websites really centered like that? I'd assume them all to assume certain resolutions and aligning stuff according to that :D


shoojx t1_iubozww wrote

gifs and midis oh yah


ivanebeoulve t1_iubuqqm wrote

bro open up a guestbook i use its not ideal but no coding needed


ind3pend0nt t1_iubwtso wrote

It’s a responsive page though.


veotrade t1_iucagox wrote

5/10, no “buttons” leading to affiliate pages.

I had one leading to my Neopets shop, and one to my favorite scifi Browser Game, PlayCybots.


IllyrioMoParties t1_iuciera wrote

Yes, someone else posted all these technical reasons why normal websites load slow but that's besides the point, isn't it? None of the shit that slows websites down is being requested by users, we just want whatever information we're after

"Check it out guys the website takes forever to load but at least we can better spy on you"


wildinthewild t1_iucl0o6 wrote

Love it!!! Where’s the guestbook and website visitor counter? I used to make these websites all the time, particularly Harry Potter hogwarts RPGs. Lol


shackles_of_capital t1_iucm391 wrote

It's nothing to do with tracking - that part's actually very quick.

The sluggishness comes from the use of tons of JS, and huge DOM trees.

The JS is there to make the site interactive. Do you want the entire page to reload whenever you post a comment? No? Then you need some JS to make a post request to the server, add the comment to a database, get back an all ok response, and then retrieve that comment to show it to you. Sites with more interactivity will be slower to load, in general.

But that can be mitigated by making the site an SPA, which means a heavier first load, but the entire rest of the time you spend on the site (on the same browser tab), you won't have to load a full new page whenever you go to another part of the site. The JS will reconfigure the page for you. Has many other benefits as well, like making authoring huge, extremely complicated sites a lot easier, faster, and easier to debug.

Users don't temd to have the first clue what goes into making a website. In 2022 web dev is crazily complex, the requirements are just so much higher than they were 20 years ago.


Haquestions4 t1_iucpt1c wrote

Great idea! Is it possible to add metacritics user rating?


IllyrioMoParties t1_iucrg6t wrote

Ironically, loading this page strained my CPU so much I had to restart. I assume you inserted secret browser-killing code into your comment? Well played.

Anyway, my point is that just because it's complicated doesn't mean it's not stupid. You've got a bunch of people telling you they don't care for all the modern fancy shit, they just want websites to load fast and convey information. The response of a professional computer programmer - I'm guessing - shouldn't be, "Silence, peasant, the features you didn't ask for are straining our brains!"

Like, who really cares if you have to refresh a page to see new comments? You still have to do that here (except with your own comments), you still have to do that on 4chan, and these are some of the most popular sites on the internet.

Also, I don't know much about programming but I bet most of the code on any website is trying to unfuck something caused by previous untalented programmers. I'm glad Elon is feeding them all to his tigers


thanbini t1_iucynib wrote

What Webrings is it part of?


LudwigTheAccursed_ t1_iueb5dw wrote

Yeah i just want more sites to be like this one. You can keep all the excuses why it can’t because it can. Some sites need to be dynamic of course but many more could be simple like this one.

I wasn’t referring to u making excuses btw-


avetisyan818 t1_iuijg9g wrote

This hits hard. I can’t help but feel Halloween just doesn’t hit the same. Maybe is the nostalgic 90s kid in me